Friend Code: Refer to Signature
Time Zone: Eastern Time
Times Available: Most evenings after 4pm.
Most in-game pokemon for both X and Y.
- Omanyte
- Kabuto -
- Tirtouga -
- Archen
- Aerodactyl - 5males, 5 females with Adamant nature.
- Cranidos
- Tyrunt
- Pinsir with Moxie
- Beautifly with Rivalry
- Combee with Hustle
- Snorunt with Moody
- Dewgong with Ice Body
- Dustox
- Aurorus, Lileep and Anorith are on my X game and will be transfered to my Y as soon as I can.
- Fennekin, Chespin and Forakie can be bred for you
- Squirtle, bulbasaur and Charmander can also be bred for you.
- Pokemon listed above with noted Hidden Abilities can be bred for you. Let me know if you are looking for a male or female.
Services Offered:
If there is a certain pokemon from X or Y that you want let me know. I will breed it for you and trade for something else that you might have received via Friend Safari that I don't have.
** Sorry, I don't do IV Breeding. It takes too long. **
If you are interested in a pokemon with a HA that I have, I can take the polemon to the guy in the Pokecentre in Kiloude who can give me an idea what the top IVs would be if you want and I can let you know what he states but that is as far as I am willing to go with the whole IV thing.
- Vivillon of the following colors:
- Icy Snow
- Jungle
- Marine
- Monsoon
- Ocean
- River
- Sandstorm
- Savannah
- Sun
- Tundra
Also want:
- Vulpix/Ninetales
- Feebas preferably female
- Spiritomb
- Other regional starters (cheats not accepted)
- Mismagius
I am looking to completely my pokedex so I don't need anything special in terms of stats or abilities.
Time Zone: Eastern Time
Times Available: Most evenings after 4pm.
Most in-game pokemon for both X and Y.
- Omanyte
- Kabuto -
- Tirtouga -
- Archen
- Aerodactyl - 5males, 5 females with Adamant nature.
- Cranidos
- Tyrunt
- Pinsir with Moxie
- Beautifly with Rivalry
- Combee with Hustle
- Snorunt with Moody
- Dewgong with Ice Body
- Dustox
- Aurorus, Lileep and Anorith are on my X game and will be transfered to my Y as soon as I can.
- Fennekin, Chespin and Forakie can be bred for you
- Squirtle, bulbasaur and Charmander can also be bred for you.
- Pokemon listed above with noted Hidden Abilities can be bred for you. Let me know if you are looking for a male or female.
Services Offered:
If there is a certain pokemon from X or Y that you want let me know. I will breed it for you and trade for something else that you might have received via Friend Safari that I don't have.
** Sorry, I don't do IV Breeding. It takes too long. **
If you are interested in a pokemon with a HA that I have, I can take the polemon to the guy in the Pokecentre in Kiloude who can give me an idea what the top IVs would be if you want and I can let you know what he states but that is as far as I am willing to go with the whole IV thing.
- Vivillon of the following colors:
- Icy Snow
- Jungle
- Marine
- Monsoon
- Ocean
- River
- Sandstorm
- Savannah
- Sun
- Tundra
Also want:
- Vulpix/Ninetales
- Feebas preferably female
- Spiritomb
- Other regional starters (cheats not accepted)
- Mismagius
I am looking to completely my pokedex so I don't need anything special in terms of stats or abilities.