Hello, I was just wondering if anybody would give some feedback on this deck.
Pokemon (17)
2x Necrozma-GX BSH 63
1x Marshadow-GX BSH 80
4x Beldum GRI 83
2x Metand GRI 84
4x Metagross-GX GRI 85
1x Alolan Vulpix GRI 21
1x Drampa GRI 97
1x Alolan Diglett SUM 86
1x Tapu Lele-GX GRI 60
Trainers (35)
3x Professor Sycamore
3x N
2x Guzma
1x Olympia
1x Brigette
1x Lillie
1x Skyla
1x Pokemon Ranger
1x Professor Kukui
1x Nest Ball
3x Ultra Ball
2x Max Potion
2x Rescue Stretcher
2x Field Blower
2x Altar of the Moone
1x Switch
1x Super Rod
1x Fighting Fury Belt
2x Choice Band
4x Rare Candy
Energy (8)
5x Psychic Energy (Basic)
3x Metal Energy (Basic)
The Strategy of the deck is similar to that of a Genesect/Metagross deck, in which you try to fill the bench with Metagross so you can continually fuel discard attackers.
Since Metagross can attach both Psychic and Metal from the discard it can attach energy to Necrozma, which does more damage than Genesect (As well as being immune to damage from Colorless Pokemon!)
I found Marshadow to be useful as well because it can use basic's attacks, which means we can Ultra ball discard Vulpix/Diglett/Drampa, so we can search for pPokemon, look at our deck or circulate energy.
The only drawback to the above is that if you start on Diglett/Drampa It is useless. Marshadow is also good as it hits for fighting and can use Necrozma's Attacks, so Metagross can still fuel it.
I run three metal energy in the deck so it is possible for Metagross to attack.
Some things i'm considering:
Adding another Tapu Lele
Removing Diglett/Drampa (What do you replace them with)
Thank You, all feedback is welcome <3
Pokemon (17)
2x Necrozma-GX BSH 63
1x Marshadow-GX BSH 80
4x Beldum GRI 83
2x Metand GRI 84
4x Metagross-GX GRI 85
1x Alolan Vulpix GRI 21
1x Drampa GRI 97
1x Alolan Diglett SUM 86
1x Tapu Lele-GX GRI 60
Trainers (35)
3x Professor Sycamore
3x N
2x Guzma
1x Olympia
1x Brigette
1x Lillie
1x Skyla
1x Pokemon Ranger
1x Professor Kukui
1x Nest Ball
3x Ultra Ball
2x Max Potion
2x Rescue Stretcher
2x Field Blower
2x Altar of the Moone
1x Switch
1x Super Rod
1x Fighting Fury Belt
2x Choice Band
4x Rare Candy
Energy (8)
5x Psychic Energy (Basic)
3x Metal Energy (Basic)
The Strategy of the deck is similar to that of a Genesect/Metagross deck, in which you try to fill the bench with Metagross so you can continually fuel discard attackers.
Since Metagross can attach both Psychic and Metal from the discard it can attach energy to Necrozma, which does more damage than Genesect (As well as being immune to damage from Colorless Pokemon!)
I found Marshadow to be useful as well because it can use basic's attacks, which means we can Ultra ball discard Vulpix/Diglett/Drampa, so we can search for pPokemon, look at our deck or circulate energy.
The only drawback to the above is that if you start on Diglett/Drampa It is useless. Marshadow is also good as it hits for fighting and can use Necrozma's Attacks, so Metagross can still fuel it.
I run three metal energy in the deck so it is possible for Metagross to attack.
Some things i'm considering:
Adding another Tapu Lele
Removing Diglett/Drampa (What do you replace them with)
Thank You, all feedback is welcome <3