Ruling Need a judge


Team Shadow Admin
With Gardevoir SW's "Psychic Lock", do you have to announce "You cannot use any Poke-Powers the next turn"? Or is it implied....
Its the effect of the attack, the opponet should ask if they do not know what the effect does. If they don't, they either know what it does or its their fault that they did not ask. You are not required to tell them what the card does, the effect stands wether or not you announce the effect.
But there was a ruling about this at a BR. The person did not say what it did and they got to use PokePowers.
~Roxasora~ said:
But there was a ruling about this at a BR. The person did not say what it did and they got to use PokePowers.

Here's my two cents worth. Certainly you do not need to annouce that a non-optional effect like that from Psychic Lock is being placed. Now if during the next turn your opponent used a Poke-Power, that's when things get interesting IMO.

If you stop him before the actions become irreversible then the judge should have the play reversed to the point the Power was used and then issue a Caution (or higher penalty for repeat offenses), best to be done as soon as the power is being annouced (e.g. before he places cards under for Cosmic power). Now if the play is irreversible at this point, as a judge I would be tempted to allow the power's use, as both players are responsible for the game state, but the player who is using psychic lock should be made to enforce its effect as soon as the opponent tries to use a Power. I would think it rather unfair to assess a penalty against the opponent any more steep then that which I would give to the player using the Lock, unless it was clearly a case of gamesmanship, in which case I would look very disfavourably upon this player indeed.