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Need Help Fine Tuning (Landorus EX / Hawlucha / Crobat)


Aspiring Trainer

  • 2 Lucario EX
    2 Landorus EX
    3 Hawlucha FFI
    4 Zubat PHF
    4 Golbat PHF
    3 Crobat PHF
    1 Jirachi EX ?


  • 3 VS Seeker
    3 Ultra Ball
    2 Repeat Ball
    1 Bicycle
    1 Escape Rope
    3 Fighting Stadium
    2 Muscle Band
    2 Super Scoop Up
    1 Computer Search
    1 Lysandre
    3 Korrina
    2 AZ
    4 Professor Sycamore
    4 N

  • 4 Strong Energy
    5 Fighting Energy


I have been playing this deck for a while but sometimes I just can't get it consistent. I feel like I am missing something or something just isn't happening. I would really appreciate it if anyone had any advice.
Other than the same Bat line, I run the following Poké:

2 Hawlucha
1 Landorus
3 Landorus EX
1 Lucario EX

For the card-drawing engine Trainers, some differences I notice are that I run:

1 AZ
2 Bicycle (no Escape Rope)
2 Colress (great draw card for this deck since bench is usually full)
1 Lysandre's Trump Card
2 Korrina
1 Pokémon Fan Club (only 2 U Balls)

Hope this helps.
A 4/3/2 line of the bat family works very well when your using bats. Because When you circulate the bats using scoop ups and such, you normally have 1 Zubat 1 Golbat and 1 Crobat on the bench So in reality there is only a 3/2/1 line of bats, But because 1 of each has the possibility of being prized.... 4/3/2 would be the optimal line for bats. (this also leaves you 2 extra spots for draw support or items and whatnot)