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Need help (Primal Groudon EX / Lucario EX)


Aspiring Trainer

  • 1 Primal Groudon EX
    1 Groudon EX (85/160)
    1 Hawlucha (63/111)
    2 Landorus (58/111)
    1 Mewtwo EX
    1 Lucario EX

  • 3 Korrina
    4 N
    4 Professor Sycamore
    2 Skyla
    3 Team Flare Grunt
    2 Xante
    1 Elesa
    2 Lysandre
    2 Colress
    1 Pokemon Center Lady
    2 Focus Sash
    2 Muscle Band
    2 Escape rope
    2 Professor's Letter
    3 Ultra Ball
    3 Fighting Stadium
    2 VS Seeker
    1 Scoop Up Cyclone

  • 4 Strong Energy
    7 Fighting Energy

Hi guys I just need a comment on this deck, the strategy is pretty obvious, Lucario EX is here just to speed up the groudon deck
RE: Need help (Primal Groudon EX/Lucario EX)

No, the strategy isn't really obvious, lol. It appears to me you don't have much of a strategy, you are just using the brute force of Groudon and Primal Groudon for attacking, with Hawlucha and Lucario for support. And of course landorus for energy acceleration. You need way more pokemon though. There's no way you will get anywhere with only one copy of each. I would recommend this as your pokemon line:
x2 Primal Groudon EX
x3 Groudon EX
x1 Hawlucha
x2 Lucario EX
x2 Landorus
This line is still kind of modest to be honest

Get rid of a focus sash and the team flare grunts. Not sure why you are running scoop up as your ace spec. Also, consider throwing in a couple of spirit links, if in fact, Primal Groudon is your main attacker
You'll also need a few more stadium cards. I would run 2 or 3 scorched earth in addition to fighting stadium.
I would also take out a muscle band and perhaps an escape rope?
Also, what the heck is Xante? do you mean Xerosic? I would probably remove that card as well to include the other cards I mentioned