Collecting Need Help Understanding Holo Cards


Aspiring Trainer

I've recently started collecting again and I like to have one of every photo from the set and that's all, the nice thing about pokemon is how it's numbered, makes everything so much easier. I usually look at bulbapedia set lists to check all the cards and see what i'm missing etc
But i've been getting confused with what cards from each set get holo versions too?

For example in 'Generations', I have a normal ponyta and then what im guessing is called the reverse holo version? But these aren't listed on bulbapedia so i'm not sure which cards in each set have different versions other than the normal plain card?

Any help is appreciated! :)
Reverse Holos generally aren't listed separately by any card list because every regular card can have an RH version, so it would be redundant. All regular Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Rare Holo cards in a set have an RH variant. The only cards that do not have RHs are "special" cards: EXes, BREAKs, FAs, URs, and other out-of-the-norm cards like the Radiant Collection subset of Generations.