Need help with SP

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Creater of Garchomp C/Absol G!!
Hello everybody, this is pokefan :)

I need some help with a problem I have just encountered, I have just got a (almost) complete SP engine, so I was thinking of running a SP deck for CC. My problem is I do not know what to run :/. Here are some decks that seem like fun to run (Btw I am a rouge player, so please do not suggest Luxchomp or DialgaChomp + I am on a low budget)

I can use:

Absol G/Garchomp C
Gallade 4/Garchomp C
Blaziken FB/Gallade 4
Blaziken FB/Absol G
Gallade 4/Raichu GL
Absol G/Garchomp C (if I run this, I will probably run a Blaziken FB tech)
Garchomp C/Palkia G

Please suggest a deck that is very good, but is easy to use
Garchomp Palkia G is pretty good. I ran it a few seasons back..PM me if you want a list..I'm pretty sure it's still on my laptop somewhere (granted it's pre-HGSS and would need some tweaking)
Garchomp C and Gallade 4 is probably the best because Absol G sucks and Palkia G is easily played around now and my friend almost won a battle roads with it.
Use the "What should I play for ________?" Thread.


dmaster out.
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