need help...


The Rising Star
I was looking around for cards to make a deck, and I'm low on cash so I want to know where the easiest/cheapest place to find the following cards would be (barring trading/boosters/eBay [only say boosters or eBay if there's nothing else]):

Premier Ball
Heatran Lv. X
Heatran (any)
Felicity's Drawing
Infernape MD
Claydol GE
Baltoy GE

any help is appreciated...
eBay is really the best (cheapest and safest if you do your research too) place to buy specific cards.
Yeah, ebay's the cheapest but you can also trade.
Premier Ball (Goes for about $1.)
Heatran Lv. X (Just get the tin thats coming out.)
Heatran (any) [ Structure deck or Pop 8 packs, but the best ones are the fire one's you have to trade for it or buy them online.]
Felicity's Drawing ( Goes for about a buck online.)
Infernape MD [ goes for around 1(if you buy it from the auctions)-1.50 (buy it now).
Claydol GE (No matter were you get them they cost around 20 bucks straight up, if not more.)
Baltoy GE ( It's relatively cheap, but they can be inflated because some people still need them. They go for around 25 cents each, but can go for at most 1.25.)