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Need SF rares and Legend

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Gengar Man
Country: United States

1. only sending to the usa. USA only.
2. I will look at your list and if you have something that I like that isn't on my want list, I will tell you if you wanted something from mine.
3. All cards must be mint/near mint.
4. I don't like rip-offs, please don't do it. Make it fair.
5. I only want English cards.
6. Some of my cards have ben played and might not be mint so please ask about the condition.

Thanks for reading and I hope we could trade soon!

x1 Machamp Lv.X SF
x1 Heatran Lv.X SF
x1 Charizard SF
x1 Charmeleon SF
x1 Duskull SH1 SF
x1 Voltorb SH1 SF
x1 Ho-Oh LEGEND Top
x1 Lugia LEGEND Bottom
x1 Uxie X LA
x1 Palkia G PT

I am open to other offers not on my want list. I will check your list if you ask me.

x3 Blissey
x1 Ampharos
x1 Meganium
x1 Houndoom

Rare, RH, and H:
x2 Feraligatr (x1 RH) HGSS
x2 Wailord Triumphant
x2 Glaceon RR
x1 Octillery H UL
x1 Quagsire H HGSS
x1 Poliwrath UL
x2 Wailord Triumphant
x1 Swampert SV
x5 Banette (x2 RH) Triumphant
x2 Drifblim (x1 RH) SF
x2 Drifblim UD
x1 Mismagius RH SF
x2 Wobbuffet H HGSS
x3 Celebi H Triumphant
x1 Giratina (28) H PT
x4 Grumpig Triumphant
x1 Gengar (17) AR
x1 Claydol SV
x1 Spiritomb RH Triumphant
x2 Vespiquen (x1 RH) UD
x2 Torterra RH UL
x1 Torterra PT
x1 Yanmega H SV
x1 Yanmega LA
x1 Butterfree FB SV
x1 Meganium HGSS
x1 Magmortar H UL
x1 Magcargo H UD
x1 Typhlosion HGSS
x1 Flareon RR
x1 Ninetales UL
x1 Camerupt SV
x1 Torkoal UL
x2 Rampardos (x1 RH x1 H) PT
x1 Rhyperior H SV
x1 Dugtrio RH Triumphant
x1 Hariyama UD
x1 Drapion RH Triumphant
x1 Sharpedo Triumphant
x1 Electivire Triumphant
x1 Elekid Triumphant
x3 Pidgeot (x1 RH) Triumphant
x1 Porygon-Z H Triumphant
x1 Dragonite Triumphant
x3 Ditto (x1 RH) Triumphant
x1 Clefable H HGSS
x1 Granbull HGSS
x1 Cleffa HGSS
x1 Persian HGSS
x1 Furret HGSS
x1 Farfetch'd HGSS
x2 Aggron (x1 RH x1 H) Triumphant
x2 Forretress (x1 RH x1 H) UD
x3 Bronzong (x1 RH) Triumphant
x1 Scizor H UD

x1 Battle Tower RH
x9 Indigo Plateau
x4 Legend Box
x3 Sage's Training (x1 RH)
x5 Black Belt (x1 RH)
x1 Department Store Girl RH
x1 Underground Expedition RH
x3 Team Rocket's Trickery
x3 Copycat
x3 Marley's Request
Approved. Please make sure you have read the rules if you have not already done so.

Thank you.

PleaseCML for

x1 Houndoom prime
Pidgeot (x1 RH) Triumphant
Spiritomb (x1 RH) Triumphant
Sage's Training (x1 RH)
Black Belt (x1 RH)
I like your Primes. I have Empoleon SF. LMK if you see anything else you like on my list.
I want your
1x Lugia Bottom
1x Ho-Oh Top
I want your
x1 Pokémon Rescue
x1 Memory Berry
I want your
x1 Machamp X
x1 Kingdra Prime
x1 Shiny Drifblim
I want your
x1 Empoleon (RH)
x1 Gyarados (RH)
x1 Charmeleon SF (Reprint)
x1 Charizard SF (Reprint)
I hope we could trade soon!
Torterra_Tank i think the 1 Machamp X and 1 Shiny Drifblim is a good Trade for the 3 Blissey Prime.

No, I would have to pass on that. I could do Kingdra Prime for the 3. According to troll and toad that is fair.
The lugia legend bottom just got traded, I still got the Ho-Oh top though. What do you think would be a fair trade for it?
Project696 i think the Pidgeot (x1 RH) and Sage's Training (x1 RH) is a fair trade.
I want your
x1 Nidoking RR
x1 Sableye SF RH
for the x3 Spiritomb (x1 RH x2 H) Triumphant.
I want your
x2 Pokemon Rescue
x1 Warp Energy
x1 Volkner's Philosophy
for the Houndoom Prime.
I checked the Prices on Professor Oak and Prices are about the same.
I hope we could trade soon!
CML for Houndoom Prime please. haven't updated yet so just let me know what you like and we can work something out.
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