Need some help putting a deck together


Aspiring Trainer
im just getting back into the TCG again and need some help.

i have a bunch of la and dp luxrays and his stages

a bunch of pichu-pika-raichus from md and sf and even mt

a bunch of voltorb and electrodes from sw and sf

i have most trainers- suporters and tms from dp and on, i have alot of energys.

i dont however have an idea on how to put it all together and make it work. would someone please give me a deck idea?
It would be better if you could give us a list of the cards which you have.
ThePokemonDude said:
Do you have Raichu Lv.X?

If you do you could prob make a nice Raihu/Elek bomb deck, not TBDIF tho :/

no but im in the process of buying raichu x though.

can you show me what a raichu/elek deck would look like.
For the returning TCG player:

Just a general guideline - most good decks nowadays have around 15-25 pokemon, 25-30 trainers/supporters/stadiums, & 10-15 energy.
They also need drawpower. Most decks use: Claydol GE, Uxie LA, and/or Volkner's Philosophy.

Games are rather fast-paced, so keep the strategy simple and easy to achieve.
togekiss13 said:
ThePokemonDude said:
Do you have Raichu Lv.X?

If you do you could prob make a nice Raihu/Elek bomb deck, not TBDIF tho :/

no but im in the process of buying raichu x though.

can you show me what a raichu/elek deck would look like.

How much do you have to make it?
If you have around $50 any deck could be great, it's hard with little amounts of moeny tho :/
ThePokemonDude said:
togekiss13 said:
ThePokemonDude said:
Do you have Raichu Lv.X?

If you do you could prob make a nice Raihu/Elek bomb deck, not TBDIF tho :/

no but im in the process of buying raichu x though.

can you show me what a raichu/elek deck would look like.

i have money to burn.
i have alresdy invested alot in trainers, i have 8 cynthias feelings, 8 roseannes research, 8 bebes search, and a bunch of drawing type supporters like oak, bucks traing, and moms kindness. im sure theres some newer supporters i need but i do have a great set already at my disposal.

im looking to make a great electric deck!

How much do you have to make it?
If you have around $50 any deck could be great, it's hard with little amounts of moeny tho :/
If you're willing to spend some moeny here's a good decklist:

3-1 Raichu Lv.X (RR/SF)
3-1 Luxuray GL Lv.X (RR)
2-2 Electrode (SW)
2-2 Claydol (GE)
x1 Azelf (LA)
x2 Mesprit (LA)
x2 Uxie (LA)

x1 Luxury Ball (SF)
x2 Night Matinance (MT)
x2 TGI Poke-Turn (PL)
x3 Premier Ball (SF)
x4 Energy Recovery (I think) (??)
x2 Buck's Training
x4 Roseanne's Research (SW)
x4 Bebe's Search (RR)
x4 Sunnyshore Gym (RR)

x15 {L} Energy

You might want to post it in the deck garadge tho, I'm not the best deck maker ever lol

P.S. I could male another that would cost less, this is the kind of thing you want tho.
ThePokemonDude said:
If you're willing to spend some moeny here's a good decklist:

3-1 Raichu Lv.X (RR/SF)
3-1 Luxuray GL Lv.X (RR)
2-2 Electrode (SW)
2-2 Claydol (GE)
x1 Azelf (LA)
x2 Mesprit (LA)
x2 Uxie (LA)

x1 Luxury Ball (SF)
x2 Night Matinance (MT)
x2 TGI Poke-Turn (PL)
x3 Premier Ball (SF)
x4 Energy Recovery (I think) (??)
x2 Buck's Training
x4 Roseanne's Research (SW)
x4 Bebe's Search (RR)
x4 Sunnyshore Gym (RR)

x15 {L} Energy

You might want to post it in the deck garadge tho, I'm not the best deck maker ever lol

P.S. I could male another that would cost less, this is the kind of thing you want tho.

i have alot of those trainers! so that sounds good.

like i said though im looking to do a deck with both raichu and either electrode orl luxray and then a tech to draw. why should i use mes,az, and ux when i would already be using claydol?

instead of rr luxray would la work? it does do alot of damage and stop lv x's after all.
ThePokemonDude said:
If you're willing to spend some moeny here's a good decklist:

3-1 Raichu Lv.X (RR/SF)
3-1 Luxuray GL Lv.X (RR)
2-2 Electrode (SW)
2-2 Claydol (GE)
x1 Azelf (LA)
x2 Mesprit (LA)
x2 Uxie (LA)

x1 Luxury Ball (SF)
x2 Night Matinance (MT)
x2 TGI Poke-Turn (PL)
x3 Premier Ball (SF)
x4 Energy Recovery (I think) (??)
x2 Buck's Training
x4 Roseanne's Research (SW)
x4 Bebe's Search (RR)
x4 Sunnyshore Gym (RR)

x15 {L} Energy

You might want to post it in the deck garadge tho, I'm not the best deck maker ever lol

P.S. I could male another that would cost less, this is the kind of thing you want tho.

Raichu Gl can't level up into Raichu lv.x!!!
Tegekiss - Those are all for draw power, lock power, and in-case your one and only Raichu/Luxuray is prized.

You need the RR kind cuz #1 it doesn't need to evolve, therefore making this deck faster. #2 It would take up too much space. you would need all of it's past evelutions and you would need to add rare candy.

Rayquaza95 - I was wondering the same que. at my PR so I asked an offical POP judge and he said that yes, you can level up a GL/4/g pokemon into a Lv.X of the same pokemon but normal.
thanks for helping me out here bro.
what is lock power and what pokemon would do this?

ThePokemonDude said:
Tegekiss - Those are all for draw power, lock power, and in-case your one and only Raichu/Luxuray is prized.

You need the RR kind cuz #1 it doesn't need to evolve, therefore making this deck faster. #2 It would take up too much space. you would need all of it's past evelutions and you would need to add rare candy.

Rayquaza95 - I was wondering the same que. at my PR so I asked an offical POP judge and he said that yes, you can level up a GL/4/g pokemon into a Lv.X of the same pokemon but normal.
togekiss13 said:
thanks for helping me out here bro.
what is lock power and what pokemon would do this?

ThePokemonDude said:
Tegekiss - Those are all for draw power, lock power, and in-case your one and only Raichu/Luxuray is prized.

You need the RR kind cuz #1 it doesn't need to evolve, therefore making this deck faster. #2 It would take up too much space. you would need all of it's past evelutions and you would need to add rare candy.

Rayquaza95 - I was wondering the same que. at my PR so I asked an offical POP judge and he said that yes, you can level up a GL/4/g pokemon into a Lv.X of the same pokemon but normal.

Lock means that it slows your opponent, stops them from doing stuff, etc.
Hmmmmm.... a few lock cards off the top of my head:

Mesprit LA (The easiest, stops Poke-Powers for a turn)
Dialga g Lv.X (Kinda hard to get out, it permanetly takes out all Bodys other then SP pokemn's tho, whitch is awesome)
Gardevoir SW (I'm acually making a lock deck based on this next year if it's not rotated out)
Aryodactyl GL (Probolly the worst lock, it is lock tho)

Mesprit screws your opponent's:

Claydol GE
Uxie LA
Crobat g
Gardevoir SW (I find it funny lol)