• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!


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Aspiring Trainer
credit goes to sonicyellow



follow pokebeach rules

no out of US trading at all (for now)

all cards are in mint condition or really close to mint(which means they spent a day without sleeves)all cards have never been played with

i will put my value of each next to it

4x Rare Candy (4$ each)
4x Unown g (4$ each)
4x pokemon Rescue (50c each)
4x call energy (6$ each)

lowr deck wants

expert belt
night maintenence
baltoy GE

ask for what you want because i have a ton of cards unlisted and the listed cards are propably already traded



platinum shaymin paper playmat
EXPK dark blast paper play mat
mint shaymin coin (from deck)
near mint 6 energy coin x3
fading /scratched torchic coin (dark blast deck)
pokemon rumble poster (ask for pics)
stickers pokemon explorers of sky x3 sheets

lvl x/ shiny/ jpn

rayquaza c x pack
electvire fb x
arceus omnicient x pack
blazekin fb x
shaymin x land
salmance x
arceus {P} {L}
mewtwo star
garchomp c x promo
holo electric energy x3
jpn pokedex x3
jpn dawn stadium
jpn warp point
{L} {P} {R} ARCEUS

{R} pokemon (ask for quantities)

ponyta PA
infernape 4
vulpix PT
rapidash PA
ponyta base set
arcanine g
houndoom g rh
ninetales MT rh
ponyta PA rh
arcanine SV rh
charmeleon EXPK
charmander EXPK
torchic EXPK
chimchar DP
charmander PA
castform LA
flareon 4
flareon rr
magmar SV
chimchar PT
charmeleon SW
growlithe SW
magmortar SW holo

{F} pokemon (ask for quantities)

geodude PA
rhyperior 4 holo rr
kabuto PA
nosepass PA rh
relicanth SV
phanpy SW
crogunk PA
gligar LA
nidoking RR
cranidos PT rh
piloswine SF
onix SF rh
geodude SV
rhyhorn SV
rhydon SV
pupitar MT
machamp gl
makuhita PA
trapinch SW
mankey SV
larvitar SF
swinub SF
kabutops MD
gligar LA
machamp SF
machoke SF
machop SF
makuhita GE
hippopotas MD
vibrava SW
lunatone GE
geodude MT
kabuto MD
solrock GE
gallade SW holo
nosepass LA

{L} pokemon (ask for quantities)

lanturn LA rh
mareep sw rh
magneton SF rh
pachirisu MD
voltorb SW
electrike MT
minun SV
plusle SV
minun MD
shinx DP rh DP stamped
pikachu base 1st edition
manectric PA rh
shinx DP city stamped
rotom GE holo
flaffy PT
luxio PA
pikachu SV
electrike MD
electrike PA
raichu pre-release PA
shinx PA
magnemite SV
electrike PA
magnemite EXPK
pikachu PA
shinx MT rh
pachirisu GE

{P} pokemon (ask for quantities)

Drifblim SV
Gulpin PA
Gengar gl
Alakazam 4
Chingling SV
Uxie LA lp
Zubat SV
Nidoran RR
Gulpin PA
Skorupi SV
Croagunk SV
Roselia SF
Drifloon SV
Ralts PT
Meditate SV
Baltoy SV
Haunter SF rh
Dustox PT
Drowzee GE
Unown R LA
Duskull SF
Chingling MD rh
Koffing GE
Unon L GE
Oddish LA
Drifloon MD
Smoochum SW
Grimer SW
Arbok GE
Kirlia SW
Unown x SW
Unown I MT
Gengar SF
Medicham SV
Nidorina MT
Unown N SW
Gastly PA rh
Gastly PA rh
Swalot PA holo
Shuppet PT
Mime jr SV
Haunter PA
Toxicroack MT
Hypno GE
Bronzor MD

{W} pokemon (ask for quantities)

Piplup MD
Corphish SV rh
Lumineon MT holo
Seaking SV
Feraligatr MT holo
Manaphy pop 9
Flotazel gl rh
Gastrodon east sea RR
Dewgong SV
Seel SV
Golden SV
Staryu LA
Omanyte PA
Piplup DP
Lapras PT
Cloyster SW
Horsea LA
Snover SF
Sealeo RR
Wingull PA
Bibarel SF
Mamoswine gl
Milotic SV
Piplup SV
Poliwag base set
Squirtle Legendary collection
Milotic c rh
Froslass LA holo
Omastar MD rh
Wingull GE rh
Corsola SW rh
Swinub LA
Lapras GE
Froslass gl holo
Luvdisc GE
Piloswine LA
Octillery MT
Slowpoke GE
Relicanth GE
Qwilfish SW
Regice LA
Tentacool LA
Barboach MT
Shellos west sea SW
Swampert GE holo

{M} pokemon (ask for quantities)

Dialga g lp
Bronzor PA
Aggron MT rh
Lairon RR
Skarmory FB
Forretress g
Bronzor PA
Bbeldum SV
Metang LA
Bronzog g
skarmory GE
bronzing PA
metang SV
magneton DP
Beldum LA

{D} pokemon (ask for quantities)

Poochyena EXPK
Spiritomb PA
Sharpedo RR
Sharpedo EXPK
Tyrantar SF holo
Poochyena LA
Sableye SW
Sharpedo SW rh
Houndour LA

{C} and {G} coming soon


any packs of sleeves
lvl x's especially flygon, machamp, shaymin land, arceus , gengar ...etc

deck needs

expert belts
will trade a lot for these[/b]

i have yugioh, duel masters, chaotic, harry potter, and zatch bell cards i would like to trade for pokemon cards
can provide a list if needed
RE: my official trade thread

how about you pick some more for your heatran, heatran x, and magmorar x

or one pikachu promo for one of the above
RE: are they that bad

Yeah, no thanks. How many fire energy for them though?
RE: are they that bad

i dont think i would trade them for fire energy but you could have both for the magmortar lvl x and extra common fire pokemon adds

i would also love some common G and platinum cards
RE: are they that bad

sorry for the double post but i needed this bumped

i will update with about 20 new cards just wait
RE: are they that bad

I'll give you a Magmortar MT and a Entei SW for your 2 Pikachu Promos. LMK, and you can check my list for fire or darkness pokemon you might want instead.
RE: are they that bad

Goldash said:
Sorry, nothing.

You don't have to post if you don't find anything. Think before you post.
RE: are they that bad

amphapwan77 ok for the entie but change the magmortar to sometjing of the same value or change both to a lvl x that is in my deck (check below)

juliacoolo i just started so i dont know what cards are valuable to you just offer a lvl x for both or offer 2 fire pokes

also looking for prinpulp and water pokes now
RE: are they that bad

I have 2 Aracnine SW. I don't know if I can do a Lv.X for just the Pikachu Promos.
RE: are they that bad

So, how about:


2 or 3 Growlithe
1 or 2 Arcanine
1 Entei SW


2 Pikachu Promos

Is that good?
RE: are they that bad

I have a lot of Dark stuff, including but not limited to SW Weaviles, SF Tyranitar and MD Darkrai as well as the X

do you have a yugioh list I can look at?
RE: are they that bad

i got some japanese yu-gi-oh cards including the winged dragon of ra

i will try to post them just wait

EDIT they are too many tell me how many commons or uncommons or rares you want for what card if you want you can post names and i will look for them (non of the reasent stuff because i stopped collecting like 3 years ago)
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