• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.

(Needs Pokemon from Deck in Title)


Aspiring Trainer
1 shaymin pl
1 shaymin lv.x pl (land form)
2 sunkerns hs
1 sunflora hs
1 yanma prime tm
1 yamega prime tm
1 turtwig md (the one with the berry)
1 grotle pl
1 {G} torterra md
1{F} torterra sf
1 chikorita hs
1 bayleaf hs
1 maganium prime hsp
1 tangela sf
1 tangrowth ar
1 tangroth lv.x ar
1 machop tm
1 machoke tm
1 machamp prime tm
1 machamp lv.x sf
1 caterpie hs
1 metapod hs
1 gligar la
1 gliscor la
1 gliscor lv.x
4 {F} energy
10{G} energy
3 rescue energy
1 double {C} energy hs
3 black belts tm
2 twins tm
3 bebes search
1 fisherman
1 interiewers questions
1 seeker tm
1 judge un
1 luxury ball sf
1 expert belt ar
1 switch sf
1 life herb
RE: sunny day deck

Hey, you need to add a strategy.

A lot of the techs you used here are inconsistent with what appears to be the main strategy.

1. Why combine Machamp, Gliscor, and Yanmega all into one deck? It's left you with 26 pokemon and a broken strategy. I'd recommend choosing wither 1 or 2 of those strategies, but not combining them all. It sounds like this is aimed more at being a grass deck so I'll work off of Yanmega. Which brings me to:

2. Your overall lines are horrendous. 1-1-2 Torterra? 1-1 Yanmega? First off you'd almost never get to use both torterras and there's be about a 5% chance of actually setting everything up. I recommend dropping 1 or 2 of your techs in order to setup better lines. Personally, I'd drop Torterra since the MD one is not very strong and there are much easier methods to evolve then the SF one offers. Also, you should always run at least 1 or 2 Sableye and Uxie for pure setup. Now on to T/S/S:

3. I understand T/S/S are the hardest aspects of the deck to set up, but your running only 16! Most decks have anywhere from 22-30 and run multiples of almost everything. With the newly recommended lines, it's still going to be difficult to set everything up, so I'd definitely recommend at least 3 BTS as well as a few Rare Candy. Yanmega Prime's body works if you have the same amount of cards in your hand, so what better way to use it then simply controlling their hand. You must, must, MUST use 4 judge for this since it is perfect for the job. I'd also tech in Cyrus's Initiative, Team Rocket's Trickery. Finally we move to:

4. Energy is easy to set up and very important. The most {G} energy you ever need at one time is 2 and you only need 7 total in the deck. I'd recommend about 7-9 so that Shaymin LV. X can use Seed Flare to set them up quickly. You definitely should run 4 DCE for quick setting up and attacking.

Alright so here's my recommended decklist...
Pokemon (20):
2-1 Shaymin LV .X (land)
2-2 Yanmega Prime
3-2-2 Meganium Prime
2 Sableye SF
2 Uxie LA
2 Unown Q MD (for free retreat on Shaymin LV. X and Sableye)

T/S/S (26):
3 Rare Candy
2 Pokemon Collector
2 Interviewer's Questions
3 Expert Belt
1 Department Store Girl
4 Pokemon Communcation
4 Judge
4 Cyrus' Initiative

Energy (14):
8 {G}
4 Rainbow
2 Call

Hope this helps!!! Wow not often is the reply longer than the original post :p...

P.S. I didn't want to sound mean when I was writing this. It was just a lot to work with :D.
RE: sunny day deck

let me fix the deck list a little

1-1 shaymin X (landform
2-1 Sunflora HGSS
1-1 Yanmega Prime TM
1 turtwig md (berry)
1 grotle pl
1 torterra md
1 torterra sf
1-1-1 Meganium prime
1-1-1 Tangrowth X. AR (tangela SF)
1-1-1-1 machamp prime/lv X
1-1 Metapod HGSS
1-1-1 Gliscor X. LA

pokemon ~ 26

4 Fighting energy
10Grass energy
3 rescue energy

energy ~ 18

3 black belts
2 twins
3 bebes search
1 fisherman
1 interiewers questions
1 seeker
1 judge
1 luxury ball
1 expert belt
1 switch
1 life herb

trainers ~ 16

total - 60

why do you have a fighting type line in the deck? sunny day suggests it would have Cherrims with sunnyday that act as plus power in a poke-body.