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Standard New and Improved Quad Turt


Aspiring Trainer
This deck has been tried and tested on TCGO and so far I have only lost 1 out of 7 matches (the loss was to Aquabox). It includes Turtonator-GX as its centerpiece and it has made many people scoop.

Pokémon: 8
4x Turtonator-GX
2x Baby Volcanion
1x Gumshoos-GX
1x Yungoos

Supporters: 18
4x Team Rocket's Handiwork
4x Team Flare Grunt
2x Team Skull Grunt
4x Professor Sycamore
1x N
2x Lysandre
1x Delinquent

Items: 18
4x Crushing Hammer
2x Enhanced Hammer
2x Float Stone
4x VS Seeker
2x Fighting Fury Belt
1x Field Blower
3x Max Elixir

Stadiums: 3
3x Scorched Earth

Energy: 13
11x R Energy
2x Burning Energy

The strategy is quite obvious from the Trainer cards: attempt to mill your opponent of a considerable proportion of their deck whilst controlling your opponent with Delinquent, Crushing Hammer, Enhanced Hammer, Team Flare Grunt and Team Skull Grunt. Team Skull Grunt is very hit-and-miss, so the Gumshoos-GX line suggested by TuxedoBlack on CaptZero's Turtonator decklist, is vital for knowing when to play it. And do all of this while hiding behind Turtonator-GX.

Energy acceleration is important to this deck as Turtonator discards a lot of energy. The two copies of Float Stone allow me to freely switch between Turtonator and Baby Volcanion, which brings the energy back. The Fighting Fury Belts give a vital HP boost but they will only generally be used early game, before I Field Blower them away in favour of a Float Stone.
Oh wow I was mentioned in the OP =P. I think trying to fit mill in here is a wasted four slots. I also personally think double Float isn't enough switching. I'd probably run at least one Olympia so you can dig it up with VS Seeker. I wonder why only 2 Burning? I personally don't like it much because I'd rather have a turn one Shell Trap and run Energy Loto, but if you're going to go for it why not go ham? I don't really feel like two burning energy is going to change much of anything.
I like this list; nice job. Glad to hear you are having success with your deck (I'm planning to run a variant soon at an upcoming tournament).

With only 7 Basic Pokémon (I suspect you'll mulligan several times, 3+?) and several top-tier decks that either search for or collect need cards, IMO, 1 N is insufficient to disrupt that opponent's hand. Maybe -1 TR Handiwork and -1 TF Grunt for +2 N? Thoughts?

Other than space limitations in which you chose higher priority cards, any other reason(s) why you excluded:

Choice Band(s),
An extra Field Blower (most players I know run 2),
Hex Maniac and

How often are you able to hit the Max Elixirs (85%+)?

Lastly, have you considered using Mallow (Supporter that allows you to search and get 2 cards and place them on top of your deck)? This Supporter + Scorched Earth works real well.

Hope these comments are helpful.
I played my revised Volcanion-Turtonator deck today at a small (only 3 rounds), local tournament. Although I have not yet completely given up on Volcanion EX, I am transitioning away from it somewhat. So, I am trying various revsisions during this period to a a more Turtonator-dominant deck.

I played against the following decks.

  1. Drampa-? Not sure what was all in this deck. I managed to get setup quickly and just took prizes as fast as possible before my opponent could get setup. 1-0
  2. Metagross-Ninetales. Surprisingly, this was a tougher match than I expected since my opponent could accelerate M energy onto his Ninetales GX with his Metagross GXs; and afterwards, my opponent just needed to attach W energy. He also used Vulpix as a starter and Beacon'd searched and got any 2 Pokémon for 0 energy cost to help his setup. This becme a chess match fast since his Ninetales could hit for Weakness. It helped that I'd N him after he Beacon'd asome times. Fortunately, I pulled the game out at the end. 2-0
  3. Quad Lapras GX. My long-time Poké pal teched against me. Rlol. My friend's deck had revisions such that it was more attack-focused than Collect..., Collect..., etc. Between his Aqua Patches and Max Elixirs, my friend won. 2-1
My list contained the following Pokémon:

1 Shaymin EX
1 Tapu Lele GX
1 Taouros GX
2 Turtonator GX
3 Volcanion
4 Volcanion EX

Some thoughts I took away from today's tournament:

  • IMO, your deck and game "approach" / strategy to deny your opponent energy works better than trying to over-power your opponent via an early Nitro Tank attack. Some decks can "absorb" the early hits and recover. Plus, that early Nitro Tank may not work well against W decks. Plus, I still like to keep a Mad Bull attack option available, if need be.
  • I elected not to run Choice Bands today in my deck (given the available Volcanion EX's Steam Up Ability). Choice Bands, IMO, are too important not to have them. Otherwise, a potential 1HKO results in a 2HKO or no HKO should, like my 2nd opponent, your opponent use Max Potion.
  • For Stadiums, I ran 1 Parallel City and 2 Scorched Earth (primarily for Mallow play). PC was FANTASTIC since I could reduce opponents' W Pokémon output damage. Chances are, I'll replace 1 or both Scorched Earth Stadiums with Altar of the Sunne since I'm anticipating a "good" representation of W decks at the U.S. International tournament.
  • 3 N / Judge are critical. These will be needed to disrupt the opponent's hand when he/she can search and get cards.
That's it for now. If I can think of any other noteworthy comments from today, I will let you know.

I have another tournament tomorrow; so, I need to revise my deck again to evolve it to a more Turtonator-dominated deck.
I like this list; nice job. Glad to hear you are having success with your deck (I'm planning to run a variant soon at an upcoming tournament).

With only 7 Basic Pokémon (I suspect you'll mulligan several times, 3+?) and several top-tier decks that either search for or collect need cards, IMO, 1 N is insufficient to disrupt that opponent's hand. Maybe -1 TR Handiwork and -1 TF Grunt for +2 N? Thoughts?

Other than space limitations in which you chose higher priority cards, any other reason(s) why you excluded:

Choice Band(s),
An extra Field Blower (most players I know run 2),
Hex Maniac and

How often are you able to hit the Max Elixirs (85%+)?

Lastly, have you considered using Mallow (Supporter that allows you to search and get 2 cards and place them on top of your deck)? This Supporter + Scorched Earth works real well.

Hope these comments are helpful.
Thanks for the helpful advice as always.

I rarely Mulligan actually, and when I do, it's never twice in a row or more. Maybe just luck.

I hit the Max Elixir about 70-75% of the time. I kinda want to bring that up to 100 so I will add a few copies of Mallow.

Draw support is definitely important and I like your point about the Ns.