New Black and White TCG Products!


Aspiring Trainer
This will probably be on the front page sooner or later, but here is an actual image of the new BW Products!

here is some new merchandise & stuff. Apparently, PUSA decided to start making sleeves again!

Thanks, Pokefreak. Interesting to note: it looks like we're returning to the traditional holo versus the new style from the tin promos.
This is where I found it + some info about BW TCG.
Huh. I don't know if I'm happy about glass holos going away or not. I liked them.

But holo gyarados and stuff were really cool too, so I think I'll learn to cope.
whoever has that in there very jealous i really like the theme deck art amazing
When i went to states i talked to a proffeser about these he says the theme decks do not come with an extra booster pack.
^what? what is the point in getting them not getting a theme deck just for poke catcher
Wow. That artwork on Samurott is intense. I'm loving all of these cool card stuffs! Thanks for putting this up!
I think the only reason I'd consider getting the theme decks is because they come out at the beginning of April, while the boosters don't come out until late April.
THUS since it says on the box play this deck online the simulator should come out early april
No problem EspeonROX :).

I just want to get the theme decks so I can play them online!
I am also really excited about the release of the simulator.
was anyone able to confirm the theme deck list?
just curious if pokemon catcher will be in our set, as thats one of the cards im most interested in
Will the theme deck starters be the "bad" versions as usual? Also yeah, pokemon catcher might make them "almost worth it"...they did say they were going to up the T/S/S ratio and make the theme decks a bit more playable so we'll see what happens.

Me? Waiting for reshiram tins. You know me an' mah fiyah.
EspeonROX said:
Wow. That artwork on Samurott is intense. I'm loving all of these cool card stuffs! Thanks for putting this up!
This. I'm loving that artwork. B]

Like CMP said, I might just get the theme decks since they come out before the boosters. I can't wait to get the Reshiram and Zekrom tins, too. The Snivy Promo artwork also looks nifty. Thanks for putting this up! :D
^they're shown in the video..

however I saw nothing to indicate sleeves at where are you getting That info from?
@xPOKEFREAK72x: Yes, those are indeed sleeves.

I think some of the new products look cool, though I probably won't be buying any of them because I don't spend a lot of money on the TCG except when I go to prereleases.
The music in that video was really weird, I'm super excited about Black and White, but I think my favorite thing about that video was the music....o_o