New energy type?


10 sided fish of star FTW!
If you were part of a group designing a new pokemon energy type for the TCG what would it be? These ideas better be good!!! NO spam!!! tell use about your ideas and why:D
there was something like this on the pokegym....I said a gravity-type energy would be cool (flying pokes and anything with levitate can use it...would be interesting).
Devolve Energy or something. Only for Evolved Pok�mon. Gives 3 Rainbow, but forces you to devolve. Discard at the end of the turn. Some type of uberboost, but with a high price to pay.
EDIT: Hm, just thought up another one. Curse Energy. Cuts the Pokémon's HP in half and can't retreat, but gives infinite(kay maybe not infinite, but 4 or something =P ) energy.
i always loved heal energy and i'll be sad when it gets dropped for the mod set so i would have to say an energy that could heal inbetween every turn...

example: At the end of each players turn remove 1 damge counter from the pokemon (heal) energy is attatched to.....or something cool like that

but for my real question of a brand new type, i would have to say SPACE ENERGY because there could be a whole lot of pokemon that live in space that have never been discovered... how cool pokemon in space!!!
Evolution Energy. Can only be given to a Basic Pokémon that can evolve, and will allow you to put the evolved form of that basic from your deck on top of that Pokémon. However, it only provides one colorless energy.

Not really a new energy but I wish it was reprinted, since I don't see Surprise! Time Machine coming back >_>
Surprise! Time Machine is by far the coolest card ever, just because you can scream it out loud when you play it =P
Anywayz, since we had 2 Team Rocket sets, a Rocket Energy and even a Magma/Aqua set, there might as well be a Team Galaxy set where a new type, Galaxy Energy will be introduced and where all the rare Pokés will have double type, like in TRR and DS. You never know ^^
Btw, I never saw that Retro Energy before but it looks awesome.
Something I made up to assist Dragon-types...

Generator energy:
Gen energy provides 1 [C] energy. When you attach Gen. Energy to one of your Pokémon, you may search your deck for two different types of basic energy cards and attach them to this Pokémon. Then, discard Gen. Energy.

Something is a bit broken about it, but I'm not sure how to fix it.
Ghost energy and Ghost pokemon
that way psychic pokemon would be weak to ghost and not other psychic pokemon

Another would be toxic energy and when it's in play,each pokemon in play would take a damage counter between turns
Lieutenant Houndoom what if your Gen energy card was like a star card so you could only have one in your deck and once you used it you had to shuffle it into your deck? still really good but kinda cool :D
If you're talking about Energy Card:
1.Focus Energy (What the-? Is it the attack in video games?)
Special Energy Card
Focus Energy provides (C). Attach Focus Energy to an Evolved Pokemon. If that Pokemon attacks and needs to discard Energy cards, return one discarded Energy card back to the Pokemon. Disregard this effect if Focus Energy is attach to a Basic Pokemon. If Focus Energy is attached to a Pokemon EX/LvX or to a pokemon that has an owner in its name, discard Focus Energy.
This is useful for most Fire type which need discarding of Energy Cards. It reduces the charging turns of attacks.
2. Magnet Energy
Special Energy Card
Magnet Energy provide (M). Attach Magnet Energy to one of your (M) Pokemon. If Magnet Energy is attached to a Pokemon, move (M) from any of your other Pokemon to the Pokemon Magnet Energy is attached to. Disregard this effect if Magnet Energy is attached to a non-(M) Pokemon.

If you're talking about type (element)
I would like to seperate fighting to ground and rock. For the weakness purposes of Lightning against (F) Pokemons.