New Format Tournament (Round 2 pairings are up)



Ok people, I've decided to hold a tournament
This is my first tournament
Let me just put the rules down first so I dont waste a lot of people's time that dont want to join a tourament with these specific rules...

Modified format tournament
Only banned cards are any Pokemon that are SP
Everything else is DP-on

The tournament will be based on rating
everyone starts out with a nuetral rating
the top players will be determined by rating

When I have a total of 16 or more players i will start the tournament

oh yea and the winner will recieve a league uxie and snorlax

one thing i forgot to mention, whether you play best 2 out of 3 or a single round is up to you and your opponent
if both players are in a disagreement a single round will be played

i dont care if you change decks between rounds just keep your deck legal and free of SP pokemon

also if you experience a glitch please have proof on your claim (Print Screen Button)
glitching games will be restarted and players (be advised) should choose a new deck to play the new round

If you're interested in joining join the hamachi network and leave a post in this thread, if i see anyone in the network that hasnt posted on the thread they will be booted out, so dont forget to include your hamachi SN
network: AntiSPTournament
password: AntiSPTournament

below is a list of the standings

1. TDA (120)
2. AriadosGuy (110)
3. puncher (110)
4. FearTehPoison (105)
5. CSS (100)
6. Brawler (100)
7. Craig III (100)
8. Pokekid Brandon (100)
9. agasar (100)
10. redozu (100)
11. ESP (100)
12. Pimplup (100)
13. dragon2pol (90)
14. Umbreon20 (85)

15. UTT_giggles the stacker (dropped)
16. L_X_F (dropped)

Round 1 Pairings (winner please post in thread or notify me on hamachi)
1. redozu vs ESP
2. L_X_F vs TDA (TDA)
3. UTT_giggles the stacker vs CSS (CSS)
4. FearTehPoison vs puncher (puncher)
5. AriadosGuy vs Dragon2Pol (AriadosGuy)
6. Brawler vs Umbreon20
7. Pimplup vs Craig III
8. Pokekid Brandon vs agasar

Ok since a lot of people havn't finished their matches for round 1 this is what we will do
The pairings for round 2 will commence, if you havnt finished round 1 you will be paired wit another person that has not finished round 1 yet
please feel free if you want and you havnt finished round 1 to continue onto round 2 if you get an opportunity to do so

please also finish your round 1 pairing ASAP

Round 2 Pairings

1. Puncher vs AriadosGuy
2. CSS vs TDA (TDA)
3. FearTehPoison vs Umbreon20 (FearTehPoison)
4. Pimplup vs agasar
5. ESP vs Pokekid Brandon
6. Craig III vs Dragon2Pol
7. Brawler vs redozu
RE: New Format Tournament

ok 7 people so far thats great, oh please let me know if you plan on dropping out as soon as possible thanks
RE: New Format Tournament

by the look of things we should be able start the tournament by saturday night so keep a look out
RE: New Format Tournament

This is interesting. I'm ESP on Hamachi. I'm in.
RE: New Format Tournament

as soon as we get 2 more players we'll start unfortunatley my 2 idiot friends that said they would join the tournament initially decided to drop

the rounds will be held any time convinient to you and your opponent
RE: New Format Tournament

LucarioXFroslass said:
I'm in. But why are SP Pokemon banned?


initially when i started the tournament my friends wanted me to do it that way, they said it would make the tournament interesting
RE: New Format Tournament (Tournament has begun pairings up soon)

jep it does
RE: New Format Tournament (OK Pairings are up!! please re-read rules)

I believe SP pokemon are over powered and since they came out everyone i battle use's them and the trainers for SP pokemon make it so there is a clear advantage using SP pokemon with energy gains poke turns and power sprays there is others i can't think of atm but play ageist a SP deck with a regular deck and see the out come so i like the idea keep it interesting and original