I'd love it if Dig functioned like a HM and could be used out of battle to dig underground rather than as a cheap Escape Rope and Teleport alternative.
I love working on obsticles and puzzles so allow me to list a few.
1- A cube shaped room with a sliding block puzzle and some switches. Hitting the switches will rotate the room onto one of its various sides, taking you and the block with it. Of course you'll need to push the block along the provided maze of path indented into the floor until you've done neough rotating that you get the block to its proper spot which is a hole that fills in and allows you to cross to the leader.
1 - A series of fans embedded into the walls and floor that blow you across gaps and up to higher levels of a two floor labyrinth
2 - A tower shapped gym consisting of six floors, the leader on top, and a trainer on all four middle floors. The floors are linked by a gigantic fan that only activates upon defeating the trainer.
1- A ski resort styl gym. Ride a lift to the top of a massive hill and ride a series of ice slides down the hill and hope you pick the right path to the leader. Otherwise you'll end up following the path to the beginning and a trainer or two on the way.
2- A pyramid style gym. Slide around a pyramid of ice blocks consisting of 3x3, 2x2, and 1x1 with blocks missing in certain spots. Push away the blocks until the 1x1 is revealed with the leader standing on it. Slide the blocks until the all fall in holes and the leader is leveled off with you to speak to him.
3- An icy mirror style gym. The leader does his training encased in a block of ice. Start up a beam that bounces off the rotatable ice blocks and find a path for it to strike the heater in the back. Upon doing so, the gyms ice will melt for you to reach the leader.
4- A snow based gym. Use strength to push the snow balls around so they get bigger and biger. Push it along snow covered tiles, once per tile so it maximizes size, then push it down the nearby slide to have it roll to the next level. If done right, it'll smash the wall of ice at the end for you to reach the leader.
I'll post many, many more later.