new japanese card backs?

Sword of Seals

Aspiring Trainer
well, i haven't had a japanese card in about 10 years, so when i got them in the mail today and the had backs that had an energy symbol in each corner pokeball in the middle and said pokemon rather than pocket monsters, i was a little suspicious. is this a new back or are they fakes?
MOst likely promo. They've had the same back in USA forever, Japanese is even less likely to submit change. But IDK, maybe they are new.
Nope, all japanese cards have those funky backs, its pretty cool, i have many Japanese cards, all the same.
Just chiming in to say you got a regular good card. I quickly checked the back of my Japanese cards and found they are the same as you describe.
Ok, you guys are right. Most of my JAP cards are the ones with "Pocket monsters" back.
All Japanese cards have a pokeball and 6 energy on the back.
I counted seven energy symbols on the one Japanese card I have in my household....

Though to answer your question, they are not fakes. The one card I mentioned earlier does match that description.
Wiseman. said:
All Japanese cards have a pokeball and 6 energy on the back.

No. The original design had 7 rays coming out of a center pokeball. Encircling the pokeball were the words POCKET MONSTERS. Below the pokeball was a banner with the words CARD GAME. Copyright info was at the bottom of the card in english.
