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New Klinklang Deck for SPT


Aspiring Trainer
Since I don't have a good counter in my Keldo Blastoise deck to against Klinklang. I come up with a Kinklang deck. Here it is. Any suggestion is appreciated! Thanks.

15 Pokemon
4-1-3-1 (Klink, Klang, Klinklang PLS, Klinklang BW)
2 Cobalion EX
2 Cobalion
2 Emolga

33 Trainer
4 N
4 Skyla
4 Rare Candy
3 Catcher
3 Colress
3 Juniper
3 Switch
2 Tropical Beach
2 Heavy Ball
2 Ultra Ball
1 Level Ball
1 Super Rod
1 Gold Potion

12 Metal Energy
Nice choice for a deck! Now here are some suggestions:

-1 Colress (Not consistent enough)
-2 Emolga (Durant is better)
-1 Skyla (4 is way too much)
-1 Gold Potion (Doesn't help with consistency)
-5 Metal Energy (7 will be enough with Blend in the deck)

+1 Durant (Great starter, can pull Klinklang out of the deck early game)
+1 Computer Search/Dowsing MCHN (Whichever you prefer)
+1 Keldeo EX (Rush In is great, could even consider 2)
+4 Blend WLFM (To use with Keldeo, but also works with everything else)
+1 Catcher (They won't expect 4 Catchers)
+1 Juniper (Consistency)
+1 Something else (Not sure what else to add)
Let me piggyback on SheNinja
-2 Colress(not consistent)
-1 Durant(Emolga's better)
-1 Something Else(Just so you understand)
+2 Emolga(Better starter than Durant)
+2 Other Draw Support(Maybe a Skyla and a Random Recievier)
I'd normally scold you guys for removing Gold Potion, then I realized... You have no sableye Gold Potion is worthless lol.

-1 Emolga (Starting with it is good, until your opponent starts with Mewtwo)
+1 Cobalion EX (You need your main attacker to be atleast three if not four of in a deck.)
Thank you SheNinja, Bo$$_89, MrGatr, flilix for your inputs.

Here is the new list.
15 Pokemon
4-1-3-1 (Klink, Klang, Klinklang PLS, Klinklang BW)
3 Cobalion EX
1 Registeel
1 Cobalion
1 Emolga

33 Trainer
4 Skyla
3 N
3 Juniper
2 Colress

4 Rare Candy
3 Catcher
4 Heavy Ball
3 Switch
2 Max Potion
1 Ultra Ball
1 Super Rod

2 Tropical Beach
1 Dowsing Machine

12 Metal Energy
Why would you need Scramble Switch when you play BW Klinklang? I'm confused. Also, why is Emolga better than Durant? It's not a Metal type and it only gets basics, not the Klinklang that you would want for the next turn to evolve with.
I'm gonna have to say remove Dowsing Machine, Computer search is illions times better, it can get out Rare Candy, and even energies, and is not limited to the item rule.
I honestly think that you need to get rid of Colress. In a deck that needs to set up like Klinklang, you must have draw reliable early game. I would do something like:
-2 Colress
+1 Juniper
+1 N
It's just my opinion, but I believe that it's the best choice.

Also, I think that you don't need Klinklang BW. In Klinklang, I like either a 2-2-4 Klinklang Max Potion Split(K-K-M), or a 4-0-0 PlasmaKlang split. Right now, your best option is for you to only have PlasmaKlang. So I would do
-1 Klinklang BW
+1 PlasmaKlang

-2 Max Potion
+1 Keldeo EX(Good for switching if there's no other options)
+1 Draw support
Again, just my opinion, but I think it works.

Here's some other things I noticed
-1 Dowsing Machine
+1 Computer Search(Setup Deck)

-1 Heavy Ball
+1 Ultra Ball

I tried to find room for other draw support, but I can't find any right now
How about junk arm's for the gold potion, and skyarrow bridge to lower the retreat cost for steel pokemon? Hope these cards are still legal and this advice helps.
^Junk Arm was rotated about half a year ago, and SAB is bad when you have Switch and Keldeo EX.
@Above Posts... this thread is just... YOU'RE KILLING HIS KLINKLANG DECK!
Dowsing Machine isn't limited to the Item rule either, MrGatr. Dowsing Machine is illions times better because you will want extra copies of stuff and CPS is only good in decks with Sableye or DCE.
3 Colress IS consistent and you will always want a full bench.
4 N, 4 Skyla, 3 Colress, and 2-3 Juniper is what you want in this deck. Emolga is bad because this deck sets up fine and can use Beach and Righteous Edge for early game, and Emolga isn't protected by PlasmaKlang.
This is my list, and I don't even know why you'd consider not running Keldeo EX, not only does it provide infinite Switches, but it also counters Victini, which almost every deck will run and it will kill you.

4 Klink DEX (get it w/ Heavy Ball)
1 Klang DEX (Get it w/ Heavy Ball)
2/2 Klinklang, they're both amazing, and with Super Rod, you'll never want the third.
2 Cobalion EX (obvious)
2 Cobalion NVI (obvious, Registeel is unceccessary and weak)
1 Keldeo EX (counter Victini and infinite switches)

4 N
4 Skyla
3 Juniper
3 Colress
4 Rare Candy
3 Catcher
3 Ultra Ball
3 Max Potion (great card in Klinklang, IS klinklang, and provides outs against crap like Bouffalant, which can then be OHKO'ed by Steel Bullet)
2 Heavy Ball
3 Switch
2 Escape Rope
1 Super Rod
1 Dowsing Machine (yepyep)
2 Tropical Beach (provides counter stadium and awesome set up)

3 Blend WLFM
5 Metal (yes this is enough Energy, any more is too high imo)

Hope I helped!