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New Life Deck (Venusar EX / Serperior / Cherrim)

Petey Rage

Aspiring Trainer
So I've just gotten back into pokemon 1 month ago after 15 years and this right here is my 2nd deck called New Life. Feed back please and thank you, letting me know how yall feel about the deck.

The card names are link so you can see the version i am using.

Pokemon: 18
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 28

  • 2 Professor's Letter
    4 Cheren
    2 Pokemon Collector
    4 Professor Elm's Training Method
    4 Professor Oak's New Theory
    4 Shauna
    4 Frozen City
    4 Muscle Band
Energy: 14

  • 2 Double Colorless Energy
    8 Grass Energy
    4 Herbal Energy


The point of this deck is rejuvenation. All lead cards in this deck have to ability to recover health excluding Leafeon. Serperior and Cherrim are used to heal beyond the healing that the attackers attacks do. Herbal is there to heal but to annoy your opponent too.

You Have your attackers Venusaur EX , Virizion, and Leafeon. Venusaur is the tank and the staller. May cost two prizes because his retreat coat is so high but its a good trade off to get this deck going. Retreat and attack cost kept low so as to move cards in and out as you please to deal with different threats. Mew Two Ex, Yveltal can be dealt with with Leafeon if the main attacker is ok'ed.

there are more expensive attacks using 3 energies. I try and not use them unless its a must. the two D Colorless can relieve the expense pressure but don't rely on it as its only 4% chance to draw a D colorless and the there is a 18% chance of 2 being prized and 10% of 1. Thus making it a 2% to 0% chance of drawing it if prized.

The Frozen cities are there to add extra damage to opponents and make them scared to attach energies. Its great for Mew two, Yvaltal, big basics, and stage 3's.

Trainers are set up to keep the deck moving. this way you will get the cards needed. Muscle Band is added to ad power where needed. Its great to power of Virizion's giga drain or Cherrim if you are forced to attack with em.

If played correctly/you can build up your bench. there is a potential to grain 60 health each of your turns and 20 on your opponents. Combos with Virizion or Venusaurs healing your pokemon can live forever.

my TCG online ID is _Rage__

Edited to coincide with the rules! :D ~Kecleon
RE: New Life Deck

Haha! Seismitoad is going down!
Your probable threats are Pyroar and Garbodor.
Some things I would think about is -2 Grass +2 Startling Megaphone. Rare Candies would be really good, and evosodas are much better than Elm's Method. I would think about adding some lasers and virbank gyms to make maximum use of Venesaur's poisoning attack when healing is not required. Maybe even get a M-Venesaur for a free turn due to paralyzing.

Is that a EX Virizion (the link doesn't work for me)? I can imagine Virizion EX working quite well instead if Leaf Wallop or whatever else.

Also, better drawing cards are Juniper/Sycamore, N, Colress (particularly good for this deck), Shauna and Bianca. Caitlin could also be good. Lysandres would be good to bring out those hiders.
RE: New Life Deck

bbninjas said:
Haha! Seismitoad is going down!
Your probable threats are Pyroar and Garbodor.
Some things I would think about is -2 Grass +2 Startling Megaphone. Rare Candies would be really good, and evosodas are much better than Elm's Method. I would think about adding some lasers and virbank gyms to make maximum use of Venesaur's poisoning attack when healing is not required. Maybe even get a M-Venesaur for a free turn due to paralyzing.

Is that a EX Virizion (the link doesn't work for me)? I can imagine Virizion EX working quite well instead if Leaf Wallop or whatever else.

Also, better drawing cards are Juniper/Sycamore, N, Colress (particularly good for this deck), Shauna and Bianca. Caitlin could also be good. Lysandres would be good to bring out those hiders.
Thanx for taking the time to reply

i like your suggestions:

bbninjas said:
Haha! Seismitoad is going down!
Your probable threats are Pyroar and Garbodor.
Some things I would think about is -2 Grass +2 Startling Megaphone.
So I too thought about this but opted for the energy because of V'saur and the other attackes having 3 energy cost attacks. Also need throw away energy for Serperior and Cherrim. They are cards to keep on the bench and people will lore them out. Good reasoning right?

bbninjas said:
Rare Candies would be really good, and evosodas are much better than Elm's Method.
Evo is good because its an item but it limits you to the pokemon it is used on. if i have snivy and cherubi on my bench and am looking for servine and i dont see it i can grab cherrim. thats why chose elm. Both are great and i used them soda b4 but i like to keep my options open. Which is why i dont use rare candy at all.

bbninjas said:
I would think about adding some lasers and virbank gyms to make maximum use of Venesaur's poisoning attack when healing is not required. Maybe even get a M-Venesaur for a free turn due to paralyzing.
i had virbanks at one point but they only be used with Vsaur and can hurt me too. Frozen city only hurts my opponent because of my healing. i did not have room to keep lazers in this deck. Should i try and squeeze Lazers in? What to cut?

bbninjas said:
Is that a EX Virizion (the link doesn't work for me)? I can imagine Virizion EX working quite well instead if Leaf Wallop or whatever else.
Yeah there is an Ex one. But i opted out so as to not be hindered by those that stop Ex pokemon attacks. Also Leafeon is there to deal with those like Piroar. Vsaur is Ex and basic Virizion is a basic.

bbninjas said:
Also, better drawing cards are Juniper/Sycamore, N, Colress (particularly good for this deck), Shauna and Bianca. Caitlin could also be good. Lysandres would be good to bring out those hiders.
Juniper/Sycamore are great i just don't like to discard cards.

N, i dont want to give my opponent cards.

Colress is a 50/50 card and i have bad luck. i tried using it and i ended up cutting it.

Caitlin doesn't work for me but is a great card to add or sub.

Bianca again this card is a great sub or add but id rather exchange my entire hand.

Lysandres is a great card period. You should see my poison deck which does what this card does. :p
N can actually be used to get your opponent's hand less (1-2 cards) -or even mess it up after a search.
Thanks for thanks, thanks!
bbninjas said:
N can actually be used to get your opponent's hand less (1-2 cards) -or even mess it up after a search.
Thanks for thanks, thanks!
I used to use N's until i perfected my poison deck. Then i seen how they can help or not affect a well balance self contained deck. This deck is made to keep you alive so your opponent shouldn't get may prizes....

i do see/ understand the usefulness...Ill sub in a few N's and see if it works to my advantage. Ill Aaso try the Colress again too. this maybe what i need to perfect this deck. Because i know im missing something to take it to the next level. Ill let you know how it works. Thanks for advice. Cheers