New Payer - Building on Steam Siege Theme Decks


Aspiring Trainer
Hey everyone, I am really new to Pokemon and the Tgc. My housemate convinced me to pick up the theme decks for Steam Siege as a good way of getting into the game. He is a lapsed competitive player.

We played about 20 games last night, me mixing up between the two decks and him playing with a soft deck he had constructed. The gears of fire set worked really well for me and won about half the games I played with this. The ring of lightning performed less well, I didn't win a match and when we both looked at the deck we couldn't see as many combinations as with fire.

Is anyone able to suggest some strategy or online tutorials for the decks, particularly for ROL?
Also what would be the best way to expand out of these? The elite trainer box looks cool but is that a good investment for a newbie? Should I be looking at older releases instead?

Sorry if these are dumb questions :)
They aren't dumb questions.

My advice is to BUY SINGLES. Always buy singles over packs: your wallet will thank you, trust me.

To improve on the Gears of Fire deck, I suggest purchasing 3-4 Volcanion-EX, 1 Hoopa-EX, 2 Shaymin-EX, 2 regular Volcanion, 4 VS Seeker, 4 Ultra Ball, and 4 Trainers Mail, 4 Sycamore, 3 N, and 2 Lysandre.

A lot of these cards are "staples" which means you use them in nearly every deck. Also invest in a good set of sleeves (I like dragonshields) and a good playmat. These will protect your cards and keep them clean so they retain their value and stay fun to play with.
Stick with just buying singles in general. They don't have to be from Steam Siege. And a lot of the cards I mentioned aren't from Steam Seige.