New Player: What to Buy?


Aspiring Trainer
As the title suggest I am a new player that is after some advice to starting the tcg. I've been looking at various products online and it gets very confusing as there are so many of them. Also the looming rotation makes the choices even more difficult.

What would you guys suggest as the best things to buy for a new player, I have nothing to start with. I was advised to get some Roaring Skies Elite Trainer Kits but they don't have any decks in them just the booster packs. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
If you'd like to buy a deck, I suggest the Xerneas one (Resilient Life). It is probably the most competitive theme deck you can get, and by just buying two you can get a decent Aromatisse variant of deck (which can be quite competitive!). Battle Arena Xerneas vs Yveltal contain a lot of the staples that likely will stay staple in the next rotation. Elite Trainer Boxes are pretty good for getting energy and sleeves. Depending on how much your local TCG shop prices their products, it may be worth buying everything separately.

Like Tasekai said, TCGOne is a great place to try out decks and get used to cards and I totally recommend it. Meta decks can be found here.

In regards to the rotation, it is nearly guaranteed that XY-on cards will not be rotated out, so it would be worthwhile getting XY stuff.
Thanks for the replies guys really helpful. My girlfriend also wants to get into the game so I need to work out what is best to buy so we can start and play together. I would eventually like to make a competitive Gengar deck as he's my favorite Pokemon, what purchases would help with this?
There aren't really any theme decks that would be great for a Gengar-EX deck, but the Battle Arena Deck I mentioned above would give you a lot of staples. The Resiliant Life deck I also mentioned will provide you the energy and 2 Phantump (n.n;;) but that's about it. Your best bet would be getting boosters from both XY and Phantom Forces for the Trevenants and Genger-EX respectively, or trade for the cards you need with the cards you pull. You could also try buying singles on websites like Troll and Toad, which should, in the long run, be cheaper.
Okay thank you. I think I'll grab a Battle Arena Box, some sleeves and a Phantom Forces booster box. I know it's not a good way to spend but it will give us tons of cards to mess around with, trades for specific decks and also boosters are just so fun to crack!
Also, if you can join a league in your area where you can meet other players and exchange ideas. I would also suggest reviewing the Deck Garage Forum in order to view lots of different decks, as well as review the players' ideas and comments.

Lastly, when you are ready to build and test your own ideas, consider using card proxies in your deck. Test, test, test, refine your deck, test some more, refine your deck further till you are pleased with the build. Then buy the necessary cards you need.

Relative to Gengar EX decks, you may still find a thread or two regarding Genger-Trevenant. It was used this season (but months ago), and will most likely not resurface due to other, more popular cards in the format.
I would say you might as well invest in staples that you will always need. 4 Double Colorless Energy is a good thing to have in any deck. Even if you don't use all 4 it is a staple that you will use in every format.

The Elite Trainer Box has a lot of supplies every player needs like Energy, Dice, and Sleeves. Get which ever set has the cards you want. If you get Roaring Skies you could hit a Shaymin EX which will help you make better decks because that is going to be one of the best techs in the game.

Pretty much invest in staples. If you want to change decks it becomes less expensive. Go through the Deck Garage, and find a deck you like then try it out on