New promos and 3-Packs at Walmart


Aspiring Trainer
Just wanted to let everyone know that I went to my local Walmart today and found a two new Promos with Stormfront multipack. What you get is 2 Stormfront Boosters, a Secret Wonders booster, coin, and 1 of 2 Promo cards.
1 is a new Dusknoir, #DP33 and Magnezone, #DP32. These are both NEW cards, not just new art of an existing card. I picked up the Dusknoir one today, sorry my scanner isnt working. I didnt see anything about this on the front page so I wanted to let everyone know.
Lou Cypher said:
Old news is old. They've been out for quite a while already.

Really? I just saw them for the first time today and dont remember seeing an article about it on the front page like usual. Sorry if it is old news, just wanted to make sure everyone knew about them.
Still no sign of them at any store here. I buy all multipacks like that and look for new ones all the time.
They seem to be released quite widespread. We in Europe had them 3 weeks ago, yet we barely have the tins.
They might be out in the world for 3 weeks, but no sign of them, where I live. We finally got the 2008 championship decks. They came out on 11/5
I know the Dusknoir but could you give spoilers of the Magezone?