As it says on the front page, the next league seasons' leagues will be based on each unova gym. The first month being Lillipup... but we already know what the promo can be for following seasons.
Lenora (2nd Gym) has a Herdier and a Watchog
Burgh has Whirlipede, Leavanny and Dwebble
Elesa has 2 Emolga and a Zebstrika
Clay has a Krokorok, a Paliptoad and an Excadrill
Skyla has Swoobat, Unfezant and Swanna
Brycen has Vannillish, Crygogonal, and Beartic.
Drayden/Iris has Fraxure, Druddigon and Haxorus
And, this season we get a holo grass energy as the other promo. I wonder if they'll continue the cycle and give us a holo energy of each type?
Lenora (2nd Gym) has a Herdier and a Watchog
Burgh has Whirlipede, Leavanny and Dwebble
Elesa has 2 Emolga and a Zebstrika
Clay has a Krokorok, a Paliptoad and an Excadrill
Skyla has Swoobat, Unfezant and Swanna
Brycen has Vannillish, Crygogonal, and Beartic.
Drayden/Iris has Fraxure, Druddigon and Haxorus
And, this season we get a holo grass energy as the other promo. I wonder if they'll continue the cycle and give us a holo energy of each type?