So if you check pg. 27 on the rule book it states the following:
Defending Pokemon: The Pokemon that Receives an attack.
Either this is just a vague statement that needs to be corrected by TCPI or this implies that Bench Pokemon (either yours or your opponent's) can also be defined as a Defending Pokemon.
One idea that's been discussed is Fighting Stadium and Landorus EX. When combined with both, it allows up to 100 HP being distributed evenly to the Active Pokemon EX and one Bench Pokemon EX, which makes it all the more devastating.
Ideas? It's a trap? Discuss.
This was posted on reddit r/pkmntcg by user Brocksalwayshigh, it seems like pretty big news and can change the way some cards are looked at so I wanted to share with people here in case they haven't seen it.
I want to add in also that this rule that defines "defending pokemon" also affects jamming net. Here's an image of a question asked over at PokeGym,
Topic: Jamming net Vs Benched damage
Reading jamming net I know it does -20 to the active but as it's worded it says "all defending" would that also include doing -20 to the benched Pokemon?
PokePop (Admin):
Yes it does.
With the release of XY, Defending Pokemon has been redefined to mean any and all Pokemon that are affected by an attack.