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New thread, H-Lots! W-RH Magneboar stuff

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Aspiring Trainer
1. I ship WW, if it's worth it, prefer to stay in USA
2. I prefer you just offer, no CYL.
3. I only want my wants for the most part.
4. Some stuff is harder to trade for.
5. I don't really always go by prices, just an FYI.
6. Have fun.
7. Ask if I have it unlisted, I might.
8. Do rule 6 a lot.
9. No ripping.
10. If you don't follow rule 9, I will file mile fraud.
11. I expect your cards to be mint, okay.
12. No WC cards.
13. Do rule 6.

1 Staff Promo Darmanitan(HUGE WANT)
3 Victory Medal(Pikachu ones, LOW)
3 RH Magnemite TU
1 RH Magneton TU
3 Promo Tepig
Xx Cleffa(Promo, CoL or HGSS)
2 RH Cleffa CoL
3 RH B/W Pokemon Communication
4 RH Rare Candy(Prefer HP, but will take UL)
1 RH Energy Retrieval B/W
1 RH Switch B/W
4 RH Pokemon Collector
3 RH Sage's Training

2 FA Zekrom(1 Black, 1 Gray)
4 Pachirisu CoL(low)
2 Shaymin UL(low)
1 Mew Prime(low)
Xx Magneboar Stuff
4 FA Reshiram(LOW)
Xx B/W Energy(I'll LYK what types I still need)
1 Donphan Prime(low)
2 Zoroark(Promo)
1 UNUSED Pokewalker(I erased my file and didn't know Pokewalker data didn't erase with it..)
ALL McDonald's Promos except Tepig, Sandile and Audino, don't value that highly.

Wants for Mewtwo Collection

Base Set
1st Edition
1st Edition AND Shadowless

Neo Destiny
Shining Mewtwo 1st Edition

#56 RH
#20 Holo

Legendary Collection
Regular foil
RH Foil

Best of Game
NonWinner Rocket's Mewtwo

Ex Team Rocket's Returns
Rocket's Mewtwo EX-PRIORITY

Ex Holon Phantoms

Majestic Dawn
1 RH Energy Absorb Mewtwo
1 Regular Energy Absorb Mewtwo

1 SEALED Ancient Mew

1 Mew Prime
1 Absol Prime
1 Typhlosion Prime(HGSS)
2 Kingdra Prime
4 Lanturn Prime
2 Donphan Prime
4 Tyranitar Prime
5 Gengar Prime
1 Celebi Prime
1 Electrode Prime


CoL Shinies
1 Rayquaza

Alph Lithographs
1 Alph Lithograph 4

2 Zekrom(1 Black, 1 Gray)

2 Hoothoot
2 Noctowl
2 Zoroark
2 Shuckle

Secret Rares
1 Pikachu B/W

Level X's
4 Arceus LV.X(1 Pack)
2 Garchomp C LV.X(Promo)
1 Infernape 4 LV.X
1 Giratina LV.X(Pack)
2 Absol G LV.X
1 Dialga G LV.X
2 Blaziken FB LV.X

2 Dark
1 Grass
3 Fire
2 Water
3 Colorless
2 Lightning
2 Psychic
3 Fighting
2 Metal

1 Electabuzz

Rotated Promos
2 Rotom Pop9 Holo
1 Carnvine G
1 Toxicroak G
1 Bebe's Search(MT, collector's box)
14 Electabuzz(46)
1 Electabuzz(Best of Game nonwinner)
1 Mew(8)
1 Entei(34)
1 Ancient Mew

I also have these cards that people are borrowing from me-
1 RDL Top
2 Mew Prime

League Promos
2 Lucian's Assignment
2 Upper Energy
3 Spiritomb
5 Bebe's Search
2 Dialga G
1 Uxie
1 Copycat
1 Azelf
2 Judge
1 Broken Time Space
1 Dragonite FB
1 Tepig
1 Crobat
2 Donphan
1 Delibird
1 Snivy

HGSS Energies
5 Lightning

Prerelease Promos
1 Darmanitan

Random old cards
1 RH Multi Energy PK
1 Ninetales(Safeguard)
1 RH Golbat(HL)

Rotated Cards
1 FULL Gyarados Deck, hard to get, if asked I will list individual parts
1 Salamence(PA,Shoot through)
3 Memory Berry
1 Department Store Girl
3 Looker's Investigation
2 Cynthia's Feelings
2 Pokedexhandy910is(1 RH)
3 Poke turn
1 Expert Belt
1 Pokemon Rescue
4 Power Spray
3 Energy Gain
6 SP Radar
2 Aaron's Collection
2 Cyrus's Initiative
9 Cyrus's Conspiracy
2 Premier Ball(1 RH)
1 Luxuray Ball
3 Warp Point
5 Level Max
4 Dusk Ball
4 Quick Ball
4 Pokeblower+
3 Pokehealer+
1 VS Seeker
1 Bench Shield
2 Champion's Room
4 Beginning Door
1 Unown Q
4 Unown R
1 Giratina(Let Loose)
2 Chatot(MD)
1 Azelf
1 Mesprit
1 RH Ditto(LA)
1 RH Murkrow(SV)
1 Honchkrow(SV)
1 RH Chatot G
3 Spiritomb(PA)
1 Manectric(PL)
1 Blissey(PL)
2 Delcatty(PL,1 RH)
1 Sceptile(PA,Leaf Supply)
4-1-2 RH Machamp SF Line
5 Toxicroak G(1 RH)
2 Gengar(SF)
1 RH Relicanth(SV)
1 RH Ambipom G
1 RH Honchkrow G
4 Honchkrow G
1 RH Absol G
3 CurseGar
3 Garchomp C
2 Roserade GL
2 RH Skuntank G
4 RH Infernape 4
3 Luxray GL
3 Blaziken FB(1 RH)
1 Crobat G
1 Lucario GL
3 Bronzong G(2 RH)
1 Weavile G
2 Dialga G(1 RH)
2 RH Leafeon(RR)
1 RH Aggron(RR)
2 Nidoqueen(RR)
1 RH Darkrai G
2 Houndoom G
1 RH Shuppet(PL)
2 Galactic HQ(1 RH)
1 RH Techincal Machine G
4 Call Energy
6 Ultimate Zone
1 Palkia(PL,Tsunami)
1 RH Dewgong(SV)
1 RH Treecko(PA,Tail Crush)
1 RH Treecko(PA,Pound)
1 RH Bibarel(SV)
1 RH Flint's Willpower
1 RH Shaymin(PL,Energy Blow)
3 Cyclone Energy
1 Sableye(SF)
1 RH Trapinch(RR)
1 RH Misdreavous(SF)
1 RH Misdreavous(LA)
1 RH Scizor 4
1 Conductive Quarry

McDonald's Promos
2 Tepig
2 Sandile

1 FULL Magneboar Deck,hard to get,if asked I will list individual parts
1 Floatzel(UL)
1 Pichu(HGGS)
1 Muk(Sludge Drag)
1 RH Seeker
7 Smeargle(UD)
3 Bouffalant
1 RH Reuniclus
2 Shaymin(UL)
1 Mandibuzz
1 Professor Juniper(1 RH)
2 Skarmory(UD)
3 Spiritomb
2 Klinklang
3 Vileplume
4 Cinccino
3 Serperior
Xx Switch
4 Potion
Xx Plus Power(5 RH)
Xx Full Heal
4 Emcee's Chatter
2 Team Rocket's Trickery
Xx Revive(1 RH)
4 Interviewer's Question
4 Fisherman
4 Pokemon Circulator
Xx Good Rod(4 RH)
5 Engineer's Adjustment
Xx Energy Switch
4 Energy Exchanger
3 Pokedex
Xx Energy Returner
Xx Super Scoop Up(4 RH)
2 Judge
3 Defender(1 RH)
Xx Pokeball
Xx Energy Search
Xx Pokemon Reversal
6 Seeker
8 Twins(1 RH)
Xx Dual Ball
4 Professor Juniper
1 RH Tyrogue
5 Elekid
1 Jirachi(CoL)
1 Raichu(HGSS)
1 Manaphy
1 Lucario
1 Sawk
3 Slowking(HGSS)
1 RH Phanpy(HGSS)
2 Kingdra
1 Rotom
1 Tangrowth
2 Swanna
1 RH Dunsparce
1 Sunflora
1 RH Megnamium(HGSS)
1 RH Wailord
4 Relicanth
1 Noctowl
1 Mismagius(UL)
1 Dodrio
1 Clefable(CoL)
1 RH Metapod
2 Ampharos(HGSS)
1 Grumpig
1 Porygon-Z
3 Maractus(Constant Rattle)
1 Tyranitar
3 Feraligatr(1 HGSS, 1 HGSS RH,1 CoL)
3 Serperior(non-ability,1 RH)
3 Roserade
1 RH Galvantual
2 Seviper
1 RH Houndoom(UD)
1 Zebstrika(Rear Kick)
1 Rescue Energy
Xx Copycat
1 RH Koffing(CoL)
1 Ninetales(UL)
1 Honchkrow(Shadow bind)
1 RH Spearow
1 Beedrill
1 RH Tediursa(CoL)
1 RH Octillery
1 Lanturn
1 Tropius
1 RH Onyx(Swing Around)
1 RH Houndoor(Jump On)
1 Bannette
1 RH Pidgeotto(Gust)
1 Arcanine
1 RH Grotle
1 RH Remoraid
1 RH Chikorita
1 Bronzong
1 RH Skiploom
1 RH Minum
1 Xatu
1 RH Vulpix
1 Scolipede
2 Lucario(UL)
4 Fearow
2 Poliwrath
1 RH Machop
1 RH Phanpy(Thick skin,error)
1 Primeape
2 RH Petillil
1 RH Audino
1 RH Oshawott(razor shell)
1 RH Venipede
2 RH Simipour
1 RH Yanmega
2 RH Watchog
1 RH Tentacool
1 RH Hoppip
2 RH Simisage
3 RH Lilligant
1 RH Vullaby
1 RH Ducklett
1 RH Bad Bouffalant
1 Darmanitan
2 Sawsbuck
1 Liepard
1 RH Alomomola(Hydro Pump)
1 RH Klang
1 RH Lillipup
1 RH Tepig(Take Down)
2 Musharna
1 RH Zebstrika(Stomp)
1 RH Servine
1 RH Deerling
2 RH Sandile
1 RH Panpour
1 RH Duosion
1 RH Cheerleader's Chher
2 RH Energy Returner
2 RH Energy Switch
1 RH Twins
2 RH Pokeball
1 RH Energy Search
1 RH Pokemon Reversal
1 RH Black Belt
1 RH Rainbow Energy
2 Pokemon Communication
2 Old School DCE Base Set
1 Bill
2 Rare Candy HP
9 Lost World
2 Burned Tower
2 Indigo Plateau
2 Ruins of Alph
RE: US, WW: New thread, H-Lots! W-RH Magneboar stuff, ZPS!

Unapproved, JK Carl.
Approved, and I locked your old thread.

RE: US, WW: New thread, H-Lots! W-RH Magneboar stuff, ZPS!

thanks, it's too bad i couldn't play you yesterday, maybe i'll c u next week :)
RE: US, WW: New thread, H-Lots! W-RH Magneboar stuff, ZPS!

CML for Donohan.
RE: US, WW: New thread, H-Lots! W-RH Magneboar stuff, ZPS!

glaceon-saw FA Zekrom, 1 RH Energy Retrieval, and abilitiy emboar. do you have any of my random RH wants?
RE: US, WW: New thread, H-Lots! W-RH Magneboar stuff, ZPS!

1 Magneton RH.
RE: US, WW: New thread, H-Lots! W-RH Magneboar stuff, ZPS!

Please CML for SR Pikachu, 2 HGSS Electric Energy.
RE: US, WW: New thread, H-Lots! W-RH Magneboar stuff, ZPS!

FA zek
RH energy retreval
RH Mganeton
RE: US, WW: New thread, H-Lots! W-RH Magneboar stuff, ZPS!

darkvoid-interested in FA zekrom, 1 pachi, 2 shaymin, 1 ability boar, and any random rh's you might have that i want

123wert-i'll lyk.

glaceon-not sure..
RE: US, WW: New thread, H-Lots! W-RH Magneboar stuff, ZPS!

My: Pachirisu, AbilityBoar,

Your: BW Pikachu, 2 HGSS Electric Energies, Donphan Prime,
RE: US, WW: New thread, H-Lots! W-RH Magneboar stuff, ZPS!

glaceon said:
FA zek
RH energy retreval
RH Mganeton

I'll add another RH Retrieval.
RE: US, WW: New thread, H-Lots! W-RH Magneboar stuff, ZPS!

glaceon-looks like i'll pass

darkvoid-what about the 4 shaymin(or however many for trade)
RE: US, WW: New thread, H-Lots! W-RH Magneboar stuff, ZPS!

I honestly only have 1, need to update...

Want to counter that if its not good?
RE: US, WW: New thread, H-Lots! W-RH Magneboar stuff, ZPS!

I can do that if you throw in Judge promo
RE: US, WW: New thread, H-Lots! W-RH Magneboar stuff, ZPS!

i'll pass but still have a counter, what would you trade for just the b/w pika and 2 nrgies
RE: US, WW: New thread, H-Lots! W-RH Magneboar stuff, ZPS!


Would that work?
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