Help New to the game and need advice/tips on how to branch out to find my bearings.


Aspiring Trainer
I bought a Steam Siege Volcanion deck so I'm probably going to buy cards necessary to make a Volcanion deck. My plan is to learn the game via playing this deck and eventually get good enough to go to a regionals. I do know about staples but still don't get the structure for Pokemon in a deck. If you want to use a certain GX card, how do you follow that up when making a deck? I'd guess you'd use stuff based on what you are trying to do with the card.

Which leads me to another issue: getting to know all of the cards out there. Is there an easy way to do this? There are just so many cards and i feel a bit overwhelmed by it. I feel if I know cards better, it will make making a deck easier since I know what i'll need for a particular deck.

But i'm getting ahead of myself a little. To sum up: my plan is to make a Volcanion deck and learn to play the deck while improving my knowledge of the game. Is there anything else I should do? My goal is to play competitive and eventually compete in regionals.
Here's a decent Volcanion list: This one placed in top 8 at Orlando Regionals. (Hit the drop down and pick the Volcanion one)

Some things have changed since that tournament and I've seen some Volcanion players using Ninja Boy/Tauros GX. (GX's weren't out during that tournament) Some also use more stadiums or run Delinquent. This should give you a good start though.

You don't need to necessarily know all the cards, just the ones that are played. I would browse the part of the Pokémon website I linked to and see what decks are played and which cards are the same between them to start to see the staples. It does seem intimidating at first, but once you start playing regularly it'll come.
Yeah, I plan on copying the deck and trying it online until I get the hang of using it. Hopefully, that'll help me to learn the game better too. A worry of mine though is because I'm copying a deck to start out, I'd be kinda reliant on that. Eventually, I'll have to know the types of decks, how to beat them, and how to make something with teched stuff, etc.

I overthink stuff but I really do want to get out to a regionals at some point this year and do well.
You just got to play. However that is, online, in person, by yourself, with friends. Play games, as many as you can. If you play 5 to 10 games a day for 1 to 2 months you will probably be able to go positive at a regionals. It's all about practice. Oh and buying singles will save you money, you can always get your money back out of holo energies if you are ever at a loss for things to trade for.