I want to build a deck around Wishywashy GX and Gyarados Origins without destroying my wallet. But i know NOTHING about staple cards or strategy in this game. this is some of the cards I am thing of using, any help would be appreciated.
26 Pokemans
4 Wishywashi GX
4 Wishywashi ( can i still run these if i have those/\?)
4 Garados
4 Magikarp
3 Alolan Sandshrew
2 Alolan Sandslash
2 Articuno
3 Raquaza
24 Hour Energy
20 Water Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy
10 Miscellaneous
4 Switch
4 Hau
2 Steven
What the basic premise of this deck is is to use GX atk to move all energy to Garados , swap out Wishywashy for Garados and pray to RNGesus that aquatail does a thing
Plz halp
Moved from Pokémon Trading Card Game, to PTCG Deck Garage - Steffenka
26 Pokemans
4 Wishywashi GX
4 Wishywashi ( can i still run these if i have those/\?)
4 Garados
4 Magikarp
3 Alolan Sandshrew
2 Alolan Sandslash
2 Articuno
3 Raquaza
24 Hour Energy
20 Water Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy
10 Miscellaneous
4 Switch
4 Hau
2 Steven
What the basic premise of this deck is is to use GX atk to move all energy to Garados , swap out Wishywashy for Garados and pray to RNGesus that aquatail does a thing
Plz halp
Moved from Pokémon Trading Card Game, to PTCG Deck Garage - Steffenka
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