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New twist to typical Blastgatr


Aspiring Trainer
Switching out Blastoise for Suicune Entei Legend do to cheaper attack and less retreat cost.

Pokemon: 18

2-2 SEL
2-1-2 Feraligtr Prime
2-1-2 Kingdra Prime
2 Mantine HGSS
1 Cleffa Promo
1 Smeargle Promo

Trainers: 26
2 Indigo Plateau
3 Professor Elm's
2 Bebe's
3 Collector
3 Energy Retrieval
2 Super Scoop Up
2 Cyrus's Conspiracy
3 Interviewer's
2 Legend Box
3 Rare Candys
1 Professor Oak's New Theory

Energy: 16
12 Water
4 Rescue

I play this in the obvious way. ESL up to snipe the bench for 100, then Feraligatr to put back the 2 water energy ESL put back in my hand. Kinda hard to get out fast so I use Mantine to search my deck for a water pokemon. I know its hard to have 2 lines of stage 2 so the Kingdra is just something to add little damage each turn. I've thought about switching out the Kingdra for Magnezone for draw power, throwing in a few electric energy, and then I have something else that could attack well. I've played this list quite a few times and was able to get BOTH LEGENDS out at the same time. This let me SSU when one was getting damaged and bring up the other. Plus when I attach a rescue energy to either of them, it just keeps coming back.

But please, I know there HAS to be ways to make it better!!! All replys will be considered! Thanks.
Well, IMO, SEL is bad because it can only hit the bench. Yes, thats where you'll be aiming most of the time anyways, but there will be times where you need to hit the active. You completely lose this ability if you use SEL over Blastoise. You also lose against Blastoise because SEL has a water weakness. Also, I'd make the Mantine line 4, and take out Cleffa and Smeargle. And since this is MD on, switch the Indigo Plateaus with BTS's.
This is true and I has to think hard about that. But in such case, the lingers could slowly spray splash whoever I wanted including the active just making it more weak. Then could bring up the Feraligatr to do 60+ the damage on the active. I'd only need 1 spray splash on a Reshiram and 2 on an emboar to do the knock. I'll try switching out the for more mantine. What about adding a Golduck line?
IMO, you should only run Golduck in its own deck, where it can really shine. I got 4th at a Cities with it. But aside from that, why would the opponent EVER bring up an Emboar to the active spot anyways?
1. This isn't Blastgatr without Blastoise. Change the name :p
2. What is the Smeargle Promo? Do you have a pic of it?
3. If you want this deck to shine, throw in 2 Fire Energy so SEL can actually attack...
I have no idea why they would bring it up to active. Lol. I guess the Golduck would oy be so that I had an attacker that wouldn't ruin my strategy. If my feraligatrs go, my kingdra won't do crap against anyone with a single fire pokemon.

I only said it was a "twist to a Blastgatr deck". I'm not actually calling it a Blastgatr deck.
I've thought about adding 3-4 fire energy but not sure. Still testing. But I like attacking the bench. If I take out an Emboar I could ruin someone strategy, or I can target Legends while they r building them up. But like I said, still testing.

As I said, I appreciate all the suggestions, but a reply that has little to nothing to do with deck effectiveness (ie: deck name) is VERY useless! ;-P

Smeargle Promo is the Smeargle with the Poke-body Portrait.
I was actually talking to someone at my local battleroads about this the weekend just been. I think it's a good idea, but it's about the same difficutly if not worse to setup as blastoise, and it gives them 2 prizes if they kill it...It has 2 weakness's instead of 1...It just dosen't seem as good as blastoise to me. Setting up the legend, feraligatr, and the kingdra line is a pretty huge ask aswell.

Not trying to say its a crap idea, it's good I just think if you want to snipe for 100 blastoise is the better option