Hey peeps, as you all are maybe aware Pokémon's Official Twitter made a tweet on June 28th that reads "Mr. Masuda is recording a very special message for Pokémon X and Pokémon Y fans! Stay tuned! #PokemonXY"
To continue on Masuda made a tweet several hours ago (in french) confirming the date that reads "J’ai préparé un message vidéo pour le stand Nintendo de la Japan Expo, Paris – disponible à partir du 4 Juillet #PokémonXY, (translated) "I prepared a video message for the Nintendo booth Japan Expo, Paris - available from July 4 #PokémonXY"
I'm thinking that it maybe has something to do with the New Mewtwo Forme, I could be wrong though.
What do you guys think this video message is about?
To continue on Masuda made a tweet several hours ago (in french) confirming the date that reads "J’ai préparé un message vidéo pour le stand Nintendo de la Japan Expo, Paris – disponible à partir du 4 Juillet #PokémonXY, (translated) "I prepared a video message for the Nintendo booth Japan Expo, Paris - available from July 4 #PokémonXY"
I'm thinking that it maybe has something to do with the New Mewtwo Forme, I could be wrong though.
What do you guys think this video message is about?