New Voice Actors Discussion

Daniel Jake

In one week season 9 premieres and the hot topic of course will be discussing the new voice actors. So until than discuss what you thought of the new Battle Frontier promo. I saw it and thought was a mix bag, Ash's first lines sounded to much like Richie, ie "Pickachu use thunder" it was just awful. But than we hear another Ash clip and it sounded closer to Veronicas "I'm so ready". Not to mention Max just says uh-oh which sounded a lot like the original 4Kids Max.

So when they air an actual episode we can all discuss season 9's voices and see if they live up to the voices we've heard for 8 years..
It was ok but brock and max have problems with their voices. Brock sound like he was talking through a pipe and max was ok but can be fixed a bit and ash was ok but he does sound like richie a bit but oh well I will still watch it no matter what happens and I will never ever drop out of pokemon until the day it ends.:)
They were ok but I thought it was going to be a lot worse and ash does sound like richie and may is pretty good and brock is ok and max is ok too. Team rocket was fine but jessie's voice was a bit wierd.:)
Well here's my two cents. Narrator was the best of course he was always my favorite. Ash was ok needs a little tune-up then he'll be better. May needs more spunk and not sounding scared all the time. Max no problem because Jamie can only sound like him.

Brock was the best improvment. Jesse's ok needs to drop the accent. James needs to drop some of the stuck up sound. Meowth SUCKED Maddies was fifty times better. Pokedex was ok better than AG's girl version. So to wrap up with a little improvment I can easily adapt and continue watching it.

On another note not much Japanese music was kept so that was a dissapointment.
Actually the first episode felt like watching the first season of pokemon tome and the second one felt like a johto episode. I don't know why but they just did. They just had that feel of those seasons.:)
Ugh! I still hate the voices! Can't believe I recorded the first 2 episodes of BF on tape. I have to say that Brock is the only okay one. Max sounds well older. I liked his old voice better, IMO he sounded cute.
Even though May's new VA has mastered making her sound younger she still sounds too old. (The new VA of May voices Misty and Jessie as well)
But I'll adjust to the new voice actors. I guess.
Actually vivan and brock and may as well as ash are pretty good but team rocket needs have a MAJOR makeover or something and I hear that misty is ok too but she has not been in any episodes yet but will be sood so I hope she is good.:)
Well now that more episodes have played I can hear if there has been improvment.
-NewAsh: has no emtion and still lacks acting.
-NewMay: has improved ALOT but still needs a little bit more emotion.
NewBrock: is great need a little bit more Brockness and he'll do fine.
NewMax: is ok nothing good or bad.

Filler characters have been fine. Also who else hated the new voices for the contest judges? The guy who was voiced by the narrator was awful. And the one who says remarkable sounds like a kid now. Vivian sounds ok so no big woop.

Only a few more weeks and we'll hear NewHarley and NewDrew :::shrugs::: o_0
Ash sounds like,mashed potatoes.
May sounds like,worst than my brother's female clone(Trust me,my brother litteraly KILLS the windows,and KILLS metal).
Max is fine.
Brock is,somewhat bad.

All i'm asking for is for Veronica Taylor to return and voice Ash and May!
What hickori dikory voices!
I would really want Veronica back as well M.A.S.S. Ash still sounds odd, but I'm hearing a little improvment (little). Everyone else is growing on me, and there all sounding better. I would also like to mention that after watching "Green Guardian" NewJenny sounds even worse than the Mastermind preview.

And people thought Jamie's version was to masculane. (If you don't know, she was the voice of Jenny through AG, and she wasn't this bad) Though she's minor so no big deal.
During AG 4kids new Constable Jenny sounded bad aswell. She couldn't act and I dreaded hearing her and this is coming from someone that isn't bothered by the new voices that much.=/

Though I probably won't stand Jenny's still if she does sound really bad now.
Power of Pika o_O?? Are you in the SONVA club? I'm pretty sure.

Great to see someone familar around here ^^ Hi!

Anyway to address what you said, AG Jenny sounded masculane, but I could here her acting improve with every appearence she made. Remember, she didn't have many appearances, so she could rarely try to improve. The best example of her acting is in the Destiny Deoyxis movie, I think she shines in it.

And you make it sound like you haven't seen the last few episodes, am I right? Than believe me, you will really dislike NewJenny more. She litterally sounded like a guy.

Hopefully PUSA's heard the fans, and knows what to focus on. I'm sure NewJenny will sound a lot better next time.
Daniel Jake said:
Power of Pika o_O?? Are you in the SONVA club? I'm pretty sure.

Great to see someone familar around here ^^ Hi!

Anyway to address what you said, AG Jenny sounded masculane, but I could here her acting improve with every appearence she made. Remember, she didn't have many appearances, so she could rarely try to improve. The best example of her acting is in the Destiny Deoyxis movie, I think she shines in it.

And you make it sound like you haven't seen the last few episodes, am I right? Than believe me, you will really dislike NewJenny more. She litterally sounded like a guy.

Hopefully PUSA's heard the fans, and knows what to focus on. I'm sure NewJenny will sound a lot better next time.

Yep it's me. I joined a while ago and post only on occasions here and I am part of SONVA.

I literally have a list of over 6 forums I'm part of.=)

I haven't seen the latest episodes because I haven't had time on the net to download the episodes. I've been busy lately. I'm a little free today so I'll take a look at them.

I didn't know she voiced in 7th movie. That's news to me because she sounded exactly like the original.=)

I'm guessing the  new VA for Jenny's really bad. Doesn't sound too good. She'll improve overtime I guess.

When it comes to it, the VA's will improve but it may take a season to really improve since that's usually how long it takes for most cartoons. I'm pleasantly surprised at how much they have improved in little time. I consider that a record to be proud of.
The Power of Pika said:
Yep it's me. I joined a while ago and post only on occasions here and I am part of SONVA.
I knew it! That named instantly rang a bell, because you've left a big impression on SONVA.
The Power of Pika said:
I literally have a list of over 6 forums I'm part of.=)
You and me both ;) I'm on 3 Pokemon forums regulary two which you visit as well, how cool!
The Power of Pika said:
I haven't seen the latest episodes because I haven't had time on the net to download the episodes. I've been busy lately. I'm a little free today so I'll take a look at them.
When you do, give your critique ;)
The Power of Pika said:
I didn't know she voiced in 7th movie. That's news to me because she sounded exactly like the original.=)
Well actually I'm not 100% sure it was her :/, but I doubt 4Kids changed Jenny more than once, but you never know. I've been writing the Va (Jamie) alot and just complemented her on the movie, so if its not her she'll tell me. She's a great person, and very fun to talk to.
The Power of Pika said:
I'm guessing the new VA for Jenny's really bad. Doesn't sound too good. She'll improve overtime I guess.
Nope, Jenny doesn't sound good at all. But she will improve, hopefully.

The Power of Pika said:
When it comes to it, the VA's will improve but it may take a season to really improve since that's usually how long it takes for most cartoons. I'm pleasantly surprised at how much they have improved in little time. I consider that a record to be proud of.
I'm predicting they will be way better by half the season, which were almost at. And they already (like you said) improved alot!
I'm happy with everyone! Except Ash and Meowth but that's how mostly everyone feels.

But I'm really surprised with most of them, espicially NewMay she almost sounds exactly like Veronica which I didn't expect with what was heard in Mastermind.

Again, great your around here!
Not to be said cruely, but Ash's voice sucked, along with May's. I really am gonna miss the old voices...BUT, I will always have a recording of the Hoenn episodes...just to remember their voices.
CC I agree, Ash's new voice is really bad =.=. But what was the last season 9 episode you watched? Because NewMay has improved alot IMO.

Sure she's no Veronica, but she's coming really close, why just this past weekend she sounded almost like her in "Time Warp all Heals" I think that's what its called >.< anyway watch it, and you'll see the improvment, trust me ;)

FYI: pretty soon were gonna here Drew and Harleys new Vas @_@ I shudder to think what they'll do to them.
I agree somewhat. Ash's voice has got to be the worst change yet. May's was not as bad. Furthermore, just keep the damn voices for Harley and Drew the same. It's better that way, IMO.
Ash is the worst change IMO. And NewBrock has stated PUSA has found a good experience person to voice Harley and has kept his character the same.

A few more weeks and we'll know if its true ^^

I don't know about Drew though o_O, I should ask ;)