Ruling Newbie asking Basic Rules Question


Aspiring Trainer
As someone who has just started I am confused by the following in the "How to Play the Pokemon TCG" of this site and the Rulebook we got with the Power Keepers in the Glossary section

Poison marker: What you place on a Pokémon to remind you that it's Poisoned. A marker goes away if the Pokémon is Benched or Evolved. See counter, damage counter.

Burn marker: What you place on a Pokémon to remind you that it's Burned. A marker goes away if the Pokémon is benched or evolved. See counter, damage counter.


Counter: Something some cards tell you to place on a Pokémon as a reminder (for example, a Char counter). A counter does not go away when you Bench the Pokémon, but it does not go away if the Pokémon evolves (damage counters are a special exception to this rule.)

Maybe I'm reading this wrong, but it seems to contradict itself... is it me? Is it a misprint? Which is the rigt way? Does a posion and/or burned counter get removed when the Pokemon is Benched?


Poison and burn markers go away when a pokemon is benched or evolved. Damage counters stay. Any other kind of markers (Such as Imprison) stay until a pokemon is evolved or returned to the hand.

The most common ones, burn and poison, are most important to remember. They can only be on the active Pokemon. Switching and Evolving remove those, as the pokemon is either not active anymore or is now a different pokemon.

Those reminder counters are different. They DONT go away as they REMIND you that something special is going on with that pokemon. Evolution wont change it and neither does benching. Returning to the hand does. In some cases (Imprison/Shockwave) evolving DOES remove the counter.

I hope I've been as clear as possible. Char counters arent used anyway I believe...
I think you better go to this learn more how these markers work. :)
Just to make it easier, don't worry or be concerned with the Char counter. It was used on a Quilava from Neo Genesis and at that time the "Burn" status condition was non-existent. The Char counter then was basically the 'wantabe-burn' condition basically, and after Quilava it was never used again that I am aware of.

Poison and Burn conditions do go away when you retreat/evolve/devolve a Pokemon, it's part of the basic rules. The markers/counters which you place on them, like stated before, are simply to remind you that your Pokemon has that specific status condition to avoid confusion among players. If you retreat your Pokemon which is poisoned/burned, you remove the marker since it is no longer poisoned/burned.