Newbie question about a Pikachu (rising rivals)


Aspiring Trainer
I'm new to Pokemon. I love this site. Especially the browsing interface for the scanned cards (since I'm trying to learn the cards to this point). I went to the pre-release for Rising Rivals and got a Pikachu. I was under the assumption ultra rare cards (gold star) were powerful, rare, and valuable. The Pikachu is a Gold star card. I've seen this card go for $15 on Ebay. The attacks seem completely worthless. Am I missing something? Why would this card be sought after? Thanks,
The cards rare thats why it sells for so much, its harder to find than refular holos, but im not sure about its rarity compared to Lv.X

Also, you did post in the wrong section :p
It's a secret rare. Secret rares are usually harder to find than other rares, therefore boosting the overall value.