Next Destinies midnight release?

Icy Penguigo

Aspiring Trainer
I was wondering if stores that are open 24 hours like Meijer and Walmart were usually prompt about putting out new sets, not necessarily even at midnight but within a day or two of the release date. My friends and I would like to have our own little release tournament but the only places to get cards near us are Meijer and Walmart, will they typically have new sets on release day?

It really varies from store to store, based on who's setting the department. Usually the stores that have a 3rd party company set their TCG stuff will be more prompt about being on time, but those 3rd party setters almost certainly won't be there at midnight. On the flip side, if they're only scheduled to come in once a week, the cards might sit there a while since the employees won't touch it.

For the stores that rely on their own employees, those employees who know/care about the TCGs and their releases (or are at least competent enough about rules to follow the dates on the boxes) will have the product out on the right day, possibly in the middle of the night since that's when a lot of stocking gets done. Stores whose employees don't know or care are the ones who set things late or early.

My local Meijer seems to be pretty good about following release dates. I've rarely seen anything set early and they're usually pretty close on time. Target's about the same, though I've never seen them set early. I've only been to Walmart a few times, but they always seem to be late. Those are just my local stores, though. As with all big box chains, results will vary.
Thanks for the info! Guess we'll just have to keep our fingers crossed. Couldn't hurt to bug them about it on the 8th either if they're not already set out.
Yeah, it's certainly worth asking an employee to check the back for you, since there's a very good chance the product is just sitting there somewhere if it's not out for sale. Personal experience tells me the folks at Meijer would be more likely to help you out (I've never once been able to find a single helpful employee on the floor at a Walmart location), but you lose absolutely nothing by asking except a small amount of your time.
walmart and target both have vendors that take care of the card stock.
Walmart and Target does not normally receive stock or know when the cards will be put out. Instead, their card isle is monitered weekly by a separate vendor who comes in and stocks it for them. Thus release times will vary
I just went to Zellers, and they have Explosive Edge, and Voltage Vortex in all its glorious, um, glory.