XY Nickname Censoring in Pokémon X & Y

Alright, so apparently Pokemon X and Y have some pretty ridiculous censors when it comes to Nicknaming Pokemon, or even your trainer. I did some research after encountering it myself. My Lucario's name is Gallium, after my favorite element. So, I tried naming another Pokemon after an element, namely naming a Carbink Bismuth. It said it wouldn't take the name. This is especially weird, since I have a Pokemon named Lil'asskicker with no issue. Confused, I looked up exactly what X and Y censors, and apparently it censors anything sexual or obscene, in any language. So, you can't name your trainer Violet because "Viol" in French means a word censored in these forums(it involves no consent to you know what). I also heard the name Conner was black listed for whatever reason.

Has anyone come across this also? And does anyone know what part of Bismuth is an obscenity? I know it doesn't involve the h, but it does involve the t, as I deleted letters one by one to figure out what the problem was.
RE: Censoring Nicknames?

I also heard the name Conner was black listed for whatever reason.

The most annoying for me by far.
I always like having my trainer use my real name. When it wouldn't take it, I had to switch to Keeper instead.
But Conner was also unavailable as a Mii name on either 3DS or Wii-U (can't remember which).
RE: Censoring Nicknames?

Someone on pokegym mentioned that "Spicy" was censored.
RE: Censoring Nicknames?

its flagged for cencor cus : biSMUTh

if a word has a bad word within the whole thing is not allowed
RE: Censoring Nicknames?

I was amazed it didn't block out Christian for religious purposes. With how crazy they went elsewhere I expected anything and everything even remotely "offensive" to be locked off.
RE: Censoring Nicknames?

The censor is so annoying! I don't remember which names were blocked for me, but there was a name I wasn't allowed to give my Talonflame.
RE: Censoring Nicknames?

I like trying to evade the censor. It's like a challenge.

Also, who besides Misty's mom names their kid Violet anymore?
RE: Censoring Nicknames?

In my X version, i caught a maractus and wanted to name it Prickles - that was a no (im assuming because the prefix is used in some cultures in a negative way??) but then i tried to name is pickles, still nothing.

pickles... like really??
RE: Censoring Nicknames?

The first five letters are slang for male sexy bits. Pickle is also one.

Has anyone tried nicknaming a pokemon "Cofagrigus" that isn't Cofagrigus, or giving Cofagrigus a nickname and then changing it back?
RE: Censoring Nicknames?

emmah said:
In my X version, i caught a maractus and wanted to name it Prickles - that was a no (im assuming because the prefix is used in some cultures in a negative way??) but then i tried to name is pickles, still nothing.

pickles... like really??

Prick is a bad word here. but banning the word Prickles is kinda stupid, because it's obviously not rude.
Perhaps you could name it Pointy?
RE: Censoring Nicknames?

The name Spike is censored. I know because I wanted to name my male Nidoran tha, but surprisingly Needles worked fine, though I know that some people consider it a drug reference.
RE: Censoring Nicknames?

Amazingly, Satan isn't blocked by the censor (unless it got updated). I named my Vivillon Satan due to its dex number and that was fine.
RE: Censoring Nicknames?

It's one thing to ban common swear words and stuff like that. But banning words that aren't even offensive in English? That's going too far, 99.9999999999999999% of the target audience wouldn't be remotely offended, and the 0.000000000000000000000000001% that would probably recognizes that the words aren't usually meant to be offensive (also, they're not really worth catering to anyway). Seriously, at the rate they're going they may as well ban the entire dictionary.
RE: Censoring Nicknames?

Blob55 said:
emmah said:
In my X version, i caught a maractus and wanted to name it Prickles - that was a no (im assuming because the prefix is used in some cultures in a negative way??) but then i tried to name is pickles, still nothing.

pickles... like really??

Prick is a bad word here. but banning the word Prickles is kinda stupid, because it's obviously not rude.
Perhaps you could name it Pointy?

If you have a bad word in any of the name it gets censored. Let's say cheese was censored. Cheesenado would not work because it has cheese in it.
RE: Censoring Nicknames?

I get why stuff is censored, but if they censor words with a rude word in it (Like Prickles, as said before), then it's just going to make people look at the rude bits of otherwise innocent words, making the audience immature, as they snicker at the Pokémon name Cofagrigus.
RE: Censoring Nicknames?

I had a bunch of Haunters I traded around Christmastime, and when I tried to nickname them XmasPast it wouldn't let me. I was so bummed. So I tried XmasFuture, and the game allowed it. I don't understand...
RE: Censoring Nicknames?

PsychedelicBreakfast said:
I had a bunch of Haunters I traded around Christmastime, and when I tried to nickname them XmasPast it wouldn't let me. I was so bummed. So I tried XmasFuture, and the game allowed it. I don't understand...

Maybe Nintendo don't like Asps. (XmASPast)
RE: Censoring Nicknames?

PsychedelicBreakfast said:
I had a bunch of Haunters I traded around Christmastime, and when I tried to nickname them XmasPast it wouldn't let me. I was so bummed. So I tried XmasFuture, and the game allowed it. I don't understand...

I think it may be the word "spas", in reference to the offensive word spastic.