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Nidoking/Nidoqueen (Masters, Cities)

Card Slinger J

Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon (25)

3-3-3 Nidoking (HS Triumphant)
2-2-2 Nidoqueen RR
2-2 Dodrio UD
3 Spiritomb AR
2 Uxie LA
1 Azelf LA

Trainers/Supporters (18)

4 Pokemon Collector
4 Bebe's Search
3 Interviewer's Questions
3 Twins
2 Seeker
2 Palmer's Contribution

Stadiums (3)

3 Broken Time-Space

Energies (14)

5 Fighting
5 Psychic
4 Double Colorless Energy

Deck Total: 60

Nidoking is the main beatstick of the deck despite it's high attack cost which isn't so bad with DCE. I was going to consider running Expert Belt with it but with Trainer Lock and VileGar going around it would be hard to play it let alone trying to get rid of a benched Vileplume.

Nidoqueen is in the deck for healing and to help boost Nidoking's HP by +20, it's already an amazing secondary attacker that can hit hard as well. Dodrio UD is in the deck for Retreat Aid where I can easily switch out my attackers when need be.

Spiritomb is in the deck of course to help me setup with Darkness Grace, Twins is for that advantage of having more prizes to get any 2 cards I need.

Any help, advice, and/or suggestions are greatly appreciated.
you definitely need belt to ohko sp lv.x's and gengar sf
i think you should run a 4-3-4 nidoqueen for early game, and a 2-1-2 nidoking, who is your late game attacker
Maybe run some BlackBelt since you know youll probably down in prizes since you're already running twins.
Why Rare Candy? What If they get Vileplume UD on their bench or If they get a T1 Spiritomb AR? Then I'd have a bunch of dead cards in my hand cause of Keystone Seal and Allergy Flower... ugh... >_>

Besides I already have BTS backing me up over Rare Candy anyway. I can't afford to run Expert Belt either since because of the popularity of VileGar and Trainer Lock it's just not worth it right now.
If that's the case what am I gonna do about a Trainer Lock matchup?
How would I be able to get rid of their Vileplume and/or Spiritomb?
When building a deck you have to take specific matchups into account.

VileGar (Gengar/Vileplume) would own this deck flat and unfortunately this deck has no way of countering it at all unless I rely mostly on Supporters and less on Trainers. Say they have Vileplume on their bench, and I'm stuck with Rare Candies and Expert Belts that I can't even play yet they're able to use Poltergiest
with Gengar SF for a KO.

Just to add more insult to injury they'll use a Slowking HGSS tech for Second Sight to screw my draws over to where they can consistently KO my Pokemon with Gengar. You see where this is going? I'm sure there's other decks that Trainer Lock as well. Victoryplume, decks that run Dialga G Lv. X with Deafen, that sort of thing. The problem is that Nidoking/Nidoqueen relies too much on Trainers to be any good.
Ok, Vilegar I can't help you with, still trying to solve that problem with my deck, but, your deck is lacking a Dialga G counter, which is viable for this deck, although Gengar is yes, dangerous, so is Dialga G, I suggest running Relicanth, it should solve your dialga problem...
My list is different then this, but this is a good variation of the list as well, so good job overall
Which Relicanth? The one with Grand Swell that helps counter against Pokemon Tools? Dialga doesn't see as much play in my metagame though it's there.
The one that counters tools, if Dialga G, or any SP deck for that fact, is popular in you area, I suggest using it, otherwise, I can't help currently, when I think of a good counter for vileplume, I'll tell you
Are you 100% sure there is a lot of VileGar in your area? I know I assumed that before playing in the Cities near me, but when I went there, there was only about 4-5 VG decks total, and none of them topped. Against just spiritomb, they have to switch him out eventually, and when they do you can play your Rare Candies and Expert Belts.
Yeah somewhat, I know 3-4 people in my area that play the deck. Even still, this deck is just too Trainer reliant, and the real problem is Vileplume.

Drifblim FB can get around Vileplume easily due to Shadow Ball being able to apply Weakness to a benched Pokemon so it might be this decks' best tech plus Vileplume is weak to Psychic x2 so it would take 3 hits to KO it or 2 with Expert Belt/Black Belt.