Pokemon (25)
3-3-3 Nidoking (HS Triumphant)
2-2-2 Nidoqueen RR
2-2 Dodrio UD
3 Spiritomb AR
2 Uxie LA
1 Azelf LA
Trainers/Supporters (18)
4 Pokemon Collector
4 Bebe's Search
3 Interviewer's Questions
3 Twins
2 Seeker
2 Palmer's Contribution
Stadiums (3)
3 Broken Time-Space
Energies (14)
5 Fighting
5 Psychic
4 Double Colorless Energy
Deck Total: 60
Nidoking is the main beatstick of the deck despite it's high attack cost which isn't so bad with DCE. I was going to consider running Expert Belt with it but with Trainer Lock and VileGar going around it would be hard to play it let alone trying to get rid of a benched Vileplume.
Nidoqueen is in the deck for healing and to help boost Nidoking's HP by +20, it's already an amazing secondary attacker that can hit hard as well. Dodrio UD is in the deck for Retreat Aid where I can easily switch out my attackers when need be.
Spiritomb is in the deck of course to help me setup with Darkness Grace, Twins is for that advantage of having more prizes to get any 2 cards I need.
Any help, advice, and/or suggestions are greatly appreciated.
3-3-3 Nidoking (HS Triumphant)
2-2-2 Nidoqueen RR
2-2 Dodrio UD
3 Spiritomb AR
2 Uxie LA
1 Azelf LA
Trainers/Supporters (18)
4 Pokemon Collector
4 Bebe's Search
3 Interviewer's Questions
3 Twins
2 Seeker
2 Palmer's Contribution
Stadiums (3)
3 Broken Time-Space
Energies (14)
5 Fighting
5 Psychic
4 Double Colorless Energy
Deck Total: 60
Nidoking is the main beatstick of the deck despite it's high attack cost which isn't so bad with DCE. I was going to consider running Expert Belt with it but with Trainer Lock and VileGar going around it would be hard to play it let alone trying to get rid of a benched Vileplume.
Nidoqueen is in the deck for healing and to help boost Nidoking's HP by +20, it's already an amazing secondary attacker that can hit hard as well. Dodrio UD is in the deck for Retreat Aid where I can easily switch out my attackers when need be.
Spiritomb is in the deck of course to help me setup with Darkness Grace, Twins is for that advantage of having more prizes to get any 2 cards I need.
Any help, advice, and/or suggestions are greatly appreciated.