Ruling Night Maintenance


Loving Pokemon since 1999
"Search your discard pile for up to 3 in any combination of pokemon and basic energy cards. Show them to your opponent and shuffle them into your deck"

This is what is on the card text from the Mysterious Treasures card, my question is ...

The card says 'in any combination of pokemon and basic energy cards' does this mean any pokemon AND basic energy cards or does it mean basic pokemon and basic energy cards ?

I'm personally reading this as any pokemon with any basic energy cards because it dose not say basic pokemon and basic energy cards.

please clarify :)
You can take up to 3 cards from your discard pile, provided they are either Pokemon (any kind) or basic energy cards. Therefore, the following combinations are legal:

~3 Pokemon (e.g. Gastly, Haunter, Gengar)
~2 Pokemon and 1 basic energy card (e.g. Gastly, Gengar, Psychic Energy)
~1 Pokemon and 2 basic energy cards (e.g. Gengar and 2 Psychic Energy)
~3 basic energy cards (e.g. 3 Psychic Energy)

Also, since it says up to 3, you can choose to just take 1 card and return it to the deck if you wish. If I didn't answer your question fully, send me a PM and I can answer your remaining questions.