Discussion Night March Against Yveltal and Giratina


Aspiring Trainer
Hello guys. Just want to know, how do you or what is your game plan using nighht march playing against yveltal variant or giratina variant.
I know that most yveltal player will only play zoroark and baby yveltal, so how do I win that match up?
And in giratina, is jirachi promo enough?
I'm going in a city championship mostly filled with mewtwo, yveltal, and giratina/tyrantrum
MewTwo should not be a bad matchup. And Night March against giratina/Tyrantrum should be good if you play it with bronzong. Yveltal is always going to be a bad match up. You hope that the opponent makes a mistake and puts down Yveltal EX or a Shaymin. If the opponent does, you can go up on the prize card exchange.
On the Mewtwo note, you might want to watch out for Dark Mewtwo, playing Yveltals and Zoroark.
The Night March VS Yveltal match up is a weird one. I'm still not entirely sure which deck has the better odds of beating the other. You'd think with the Lightning Weakness, it would be a walk in the park for the Night March player, but there are plenty of things to watch out for.
  • Yveltal XY can take out Joltiks AND Pumkaboos with Oblivion Wing easily.
  • Seismitoad can OHKO Joltiks and potentially Pumpkaboo as well with enough boosts. The Item lock can also make it difficult for them to hit the Energy to attack, particularly after an N.
  • Darkrai can OHKO everything in the deck and pick off a Joltik on the Bench, potentially taking 3 prizes in one turn.
  • Sky Return knocks out a Joltik while removing a liability on your side of the field.
  • You can always KO a Joltik and maybe even donk a lone Joltik with Laserbank.

I've been playing Yveltal online a lot recently, and I'm surprised that I have yet to loose to Night March.