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Night March (Joltik / Pumpkaboo / Lampent / Flareon)

Kaifei Yu

Aspiring Trainer
Pokémon: 23

  • 4 Joltik PHF
    4 Lampent PHF
    4 Pumpkaboo PHF
    4 Eevee FFI
    4 Flareon PLF
    2 Leafeon PLF
    1 Jirachi EX
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 27

  • 4 Professor Juniper
    4 N
    3 Lysandre
    1 Blacksmith
    4 VS Seeker
    4 Battle Compressor
    4 Ultra Ball
    2 Switch
    1 Computer Search
Energy: 10

  • 4 Double Colorless Energy
    6 Fire Energy


Nightmarch Flareon.

This deck any good?
-2 Leafeon (You rarely will need it, if at all)
-1 Flareon (If you plan on also using Nightmarchers, 3 is enough).
-1 Eevee (See Flareon)
-1 Lysandre (You generally only need 2)
-1 Blacksmith (Not useful or worth it in this deck)
-1 VS Seeker (3 is enough)
+2 Mew-EX (So you can use both a benched nightmarcher or Vengeance attack)
+2 Colress (Great for draw)
+3 Muscle Band (Great for doing even more damage)