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Night March


Taste the Rainbow
Pokemon: 18

  • 4| Joltik (Phantom Forces, dunno the abbreviation)
    4| Lampent (Phantom Forces)
    4| Pumpkaboo (Phantom Forces)
    3| Mew-EX
    1| Jirachi-EX
    1| Latias-EX
    1| Sigilyph (Legendary Treasures)
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 34

  • 4| Bicycle
    4| Ultra Ball
    3| Battle Compressor
    3| Dimension Valley
    3| Muscle Band
    2| Rollar Skates
    2| Vs Seeker
    1| Scramble Switch

    4| Professor Sycamore
    4| Skyla
    2| Lysandre
    2| N
Energy: 8

  • 4| Double Colorless
    2| Fire
    2| Psychic

Dump Night March Pokemon into the discard, and use Mew-EX to destroy opponents. The highest output on damage, before weakness, is 220. This deck uses a lot of draw engine to get going quickly, and has pretty consistently let me OHKO Pokemon EX on turn 1. This deck can go first or second, theres really not a downside to either one, but going second is probably better. Currently on Pokemon TCGO, I am 21-4 with this deck, winning most games by turn 6, quite often getting a KO on turns 1 or 2.

A spot I feel like I can improve on is energies. Lightning and Psychic are only there because of Joltik and Pumpkaboo respectively. I dont know the metagame too well, but I feel like using a different type of energy will be more beneficial as it opens the possibility of using the opponents moves as well.

Another glaring flaw is that I have little to no outs to Pyroar. I've beaten a Pyroar deck, abusing Escape Rope and Lysandre to play around it, but a good player wouldnt have let themself get into that position.

I have added in a few more Skyla, as well as Eevee/Flareon. I dropped a Battle Compressor, as with 4 Skyla, I'm essentially running 7 Compressors, and it seems like it can become dead weight very quickly.

Pyroar is still a threat. I'm thinking maybe a Latias-EX? It's completely immune to Pyroar, and hits through the ability.

An interesting card that I see in a lot of mirror matches is Jirachi-EX. Is it worth throwing in? What to take out?
hey I have some suggestions for your deck
-2 Lightning
-2 Psychic
-2 Skyla
-1 Trump Card
-1 Escape Rope
-1 Bike
-1 Skates

+2 Eevee Energy Evo
+2 Flareon PLF (Helps against Pyroar and hits Metal and VirGen for weakness)
+6 Fire Energy

Hope this helps!
Gengar master said:
hey I have some suggestions for your deck
-2 Lightning
-2 Psychic
-2 Skyla
-1 Trump Card
-1 Escape Rope
-1 Bike
-1 Skates

+2 Eevee Energy Evo
+2 Flareon PLF (Helps against Pyroar and hits Metal and VirGen for weakness)
+6 Fire Energy

Hope this helps!
I dont really want to get rid of the Skyla or the Escape Rope. Skyla allows consistency, specifically with the ability to search compressors and Ultra Ball. Escape Rope is just too good, in my opinion, especially since it allows me to get out Mew-EX first turn if I dont open with it, and still attack. Are there anything else I can take out instead?

Also, doesnt PLF rotate out soon? Is it worth getting atm?
I suggest
-2 Electric as you will nearly never use them
+2 Rainbow Energy for Mew

I also suggest adding some more Skyla (which you would definitely want to start with) to either deck
And definitely take out the Trump Card! You would nearly never use it!

-1 N
-1 Trump Card
+2 Skyla

Also, I think 3 Roller Skates + 4 Bicycle may be a little excessive, but honestly there isn't much to replace it unless you go for Flareon.

Another idea is to add Gourgeist PhF (Phantom Forces) and remove Rainbow+Psychic Energy for 4 Grass Energy. Attaching a grass energy to Gourgeist gives it a whooping 200HP! Then you would sub the Mew-EX for Celebi-EX, which allows you to use Nightmarch via your 200HP Gourgiest, also surpassing any Safeguard/Pyroar barriers!

For this idea I suggest these changes:
-3 Mew-EX
-2 Roller Skates
-2 Lightning
-2 Psychic

+2 Celebi-EX
+3 Gourgiest
+4 Grass Energy
bbninjas said:
I suggest
-2 Electric as you will nearly never use them
+2 Rainbow Energy for Mew

I also suggest adding some more Skyla (which you would definitely want to start with) to either deck
And definitely take out the Trump Card! You would nearly never use it!

-1 N
-1 Trump Card
+2 Skyla

Also, I think 3 Roller Skates + 4 Bicycle may be a little excessive, but honestly there isn't much to replace it unless you go for Flareon.

Another idea is to add Gourgeist PhF (Phantom Forces) and remove Rainbow+Psychic Energy for 4 Grass Energy. Attaching a grass energy to Gourgeist gives it a whooping 200HP! Then you would sub the Mew-EX for Celebi-EX, which allows you to use Nightmarch via your 200HP Gourgiest, also surpassing any Safeguard/Pyroar barriers!

For this idea I suggest these changes:
-3 Mew-EX
-2 Roller Skates
-2 Lightning
-2 Psychic

+2 Celebi-EX
+3 Gourgiest
+4 Grass Energy

I like the idea, but thats a completely different deck. I want to keep with the Mew-EX in this. If I get the cards for it, I'll make a Gourgiest varient.
TheVoid said:
Also, doesnt PLF rotate out soon? Is it worth getting atm?

Honestly, a single Flareon is worth under $1, you could get the 2 Eevee + Flareon set for ~2.50 - 3USD, or you could easily trade for it.
Nevertheless, Flareon is likely to be rotated out next season, which is ~ a year.

TheVoid said:
I like the idea, but thats a completely different deck. I want to keep with the Mew-EX in this. If I get the cards for it, I'll make a Gourgiest varient.
This (below) still applies to this deck though :)

bbninjas said:
I suggest
-2 Electric as you will nearly never use them
+2 Rainbow Energy for Mew

I also suggest adding some more Skyla (which you would definitely want to start with) to the deck. And definitely take out the Trump Card! You would nearly never use it!

-1 N/Roller Skates
-1 Trump Card
+2 Skyla

henriquez1m's deck is a NightMarch deck that has had a little of discussion/playtesting, so you may like to look at it here:
bbninjas said:
TheVoid said:
Also, doesnt PLF rotate out soon? Is it worth getting atm?

Honestly, a single Flareon is worth under $1, you could get the 2 Eevee + Flareon set for ~2.50 - 3USD, or you could easily trade for it.
Nevertheless, Flareon is likely to be rotated out next season, which is ~ a year.

TheVoid said:
I like the idea, but thats a completely different deck. I want to keep with the Mew-EX in this. If I get the cards for it, I'll make a Gourgiest varient.
This (below) still applies to this deck though :)

bbninjas said:
I suggest
-2 Electric as you will nearly never use them
+2 Rainbow Energy for Mew

I also suggest adding some more Skyla (which you would definitely want to start with) to the deck. And definitely take out the Trump Card! You would nearly never use it!

-1 N/Roller Skates
-1 Trump Card
+2 Skyla

henriquez1m's deck is a NightMarch deck that has had a little of discussion/playtesting, so you may like to look at it here:

Unfortunately, I dont have the Rainbow energy or the extra Skyla atm, but I can work on getting them. Trump Card I actually used back before i got the third Mew, and since I would need to start over to use the third Mew. However, I can easily remove it now.
I have a few more suggestions for your updated list:
-2 Skyla (Skyla isn't needed in this deck as 4 copies, you should rather be getting consistent Sycamore and N's)
-2 Rainbow Energy (You really want more Basic Energies in this deck. Aegislash EX and Enhanced Hammer will give you a hard time)
-2 Roller Skates (You don't need these when you have 3 Bikes in your deck)

+3 Fire Energy
+2 N
+1 Battle Compressor (You need 4 of these to make sure you get them consistently. Relying on Skyla to get them slows the deck down a lot.)
Gengar master said:
I have a few more suggestions for your updated list:
-2 Skyla (Skyla isn't needed in this deck as 4 copies, you should rather be getting consistent Sycamore and N's)
-2 Rainbow Energy (You really want more Basic Energies in this deck. Aegislash EX and Enhanced Hammer will give you a hard time)
-2 Roller Skates (You don't need these when you have 3 Bikes in your deck)

+3 Fire Energy
+2 N
+1 Battle Compressor (You need 4 of these to make sure you get them consistently. Relying on Skyla to get them slows the deck down a lot.)

Trying it now. Despite that it works against Pyroar, Im finding that Flareon is making the deck too slow and inconsistent.
Yea I cant seem to get it to work with Flareon. I know it SHOULD work, but it's not and I dont know why. I'm going to edit the decklist in a little while with what I've gone back to.
Fixed the deck list to my original, with some changes. I'm also considering putting Jirachi-EX back in, which I didnt get to test too much, as well as using Latias-EX for Pyroar. Im testing it now.
Been playing this all day in tournaments. It's been doing great, but I made some tweaks. The biggest ones are that I added in Sigilyph and Scramble Switch over a Roller Skates and Escape Rope. I dont have a Computer Search or Dowsing Machine, so Scramble Switch is a good Ace Spec in here, imo.