Pokemon: 18
Dump Night March Pokemon into the discard, and use Mew-EX to destroy opponents. The highest output on damage, before weakness, is 220. This deck uses a lot of draw engine to get going quickly, and has pretty consistently let me OHKO Pokemon EX on turn 1. This deck can go first or second, theres really not a downside to either one, but going second is probably better. Currently on Pokemon TCGO, I am 21-4 with this deck, winning most games by turn 6, quite often getting a KO on turns 1 or 2.
A spot I feel like I can improve on is energies. Lightning and Psychic are only there because of Joltik and Pumpkaboo respectively. I dont know the metagame too well, but I feel like using a different type of energy will be more beneficial as it opens the possibility of using the opponents moves as well.
Another glaring flaw is that I have little to no outs to Pyroar. I've beaten a Pyroar deck, abusing Escape Rope and Lysandre to play around it, but a good player wouldnt have let themself get into that position.
I have added in a few more Skyla, as well as Eevee/Flareon. I dropped a Battle Compressor, as with 4 Skyla, I'm essentially running 7 Compressors, and it seems like it can become dead weight very quickly.
Pyroar is still a threat. I'm thinking maybe a Latias-EX? It's completely immune to Pyroar, and hits through the ability.
An interesting card that I see in a lot of mirror matches is Jirachi-EX. Is it worth throwing in? What to take out?
4| Joltik (Phantom Forces, dunno the abbreviation)
4| Lampent (Phantom Forces)
4| Pumpkaboo (Phantom Forces)
3| Mew-EX
1| Jirachi-EX
1| Latias-EX
1| Sigilyph (Legendary Treasures)
4| Bicycle
4| Ultra Ball
3| Battle Compressor
3| Dimension Valley
3| Muscle Band
2| Rollar Skates
2| Vs Seeker
1| Scramble Switch
4| Professor Sycamore
4| Skyla
2| Lysandre
2| N
4| Double Colorless
2| Fire
2| Psychic
Dump Night March Pokemon into the discard, and use Mew-EX to destroy opponents. The highest output on damage, before weakness, is 220. This deck uses a lot of draw engine to get going quickly, and has pretty consistently let me OHKO Pokemon EX on turn 1. This deck can go first or second, theres really not a downside to either one, but going second is probably better. Currently on Pokemon TCGO, I am 21-4 with this deck, winning most games by turn 6, quite often getting a KO on turns 1 or 2.
Pyroar is still a threat. I'm thinking maybe a Latias-EX? It's completely immune to Pyroar, and hits through the ability.
An interesting card that I see in a lot of mirror matches is Jirachi-EX. Is it worth throwing in? What to take out?