Friend Code: 2981-6624-9402
Time Zone: Central Standard Time (CST)
Times Available: Anytime. Seriously.
Services Offered:
Currently breeding:
-Charmander x14
-Bulbasaur x5
-Chespin x5
-Fennekin x5
-Gible x5
-Eevee x3
-Tyrunt x5
Also, will be breeding some others, such as Y version exclusives:
Nothin so far on Y Just trying to help out. I'll let you know when I need something for X (my main playthrough)
Time Zone: Central Standard Time (CST)
Times Available: Anytime. Seriously.
Services Offered:
Currently breeding:
-Charmander x14
-Bulbasaur x5
-Chespin x5
-Fennekin x5
-Gible x5
-Eevee x3
-Tyrunt x5
Also, will be breeding some others, such as Y version exclusives:
Nothin so far on Y Just trying to help out. I'll let you know when I need something for X (my main playthrough)