Hey Pokebeach. Bummed by Rotations comming up this year. Well as you might be stuck in the present, Im preparing better for the future!
The stratagy of the deck is to utilize Hypno's Pokepower "Sleep Pendulum" and try to get the Pokemon asleep. By stacking more than 1 Hypno, it creates a better chance to make the Defending Pokemon asleep.
Once doing so, you use Musharna's attack "Dream Eater" to hit 90 damage for only two energies, with a chance to keep the opponent Asleep through their turn. So heres the list:
4 Munna
4 Musharna
4 Drowzee
3 Hypno
3 Spiritomb
2 Darkrai G
2 Slowpoke
2 Slowking
3 Pokemon Collector
4 Seeker
3 Professor Oak's New Theory
2 Pokemon Communication
2 Expert Belts
3 Switches
3 Bebe's Search
2 Rare Candy
12 Physic Energy
2 Rescue Energy
Darkrai G is used just like a Crobat G, but to add 1 damage counter in-between turns IF they are asleep. Slowking for distruption.
The stratagy of the deck is to utilize Hypno's Pokepower "Sleep Pendulum" and try to get the Pokemon asleep. By stacking more than 1 Hypno, it creates a better chance to make the Defending Pokemon asleep.
Once doing so, you use Musharna's attack "Dream Eater" to hit 90 damage for only two energies, with a chance to keep the opponent Asleep through their turn. So heres the list:
4 Munna
4 Musharna
4 Drowzee
3 Hypno
3 Spiritomb
2 Darkrai G
2 Slowpoke
2 Slowking
3 Pokemon Collector
4 Seeker
3 Professor Oak's New Theory
2 Pokemon Communication
2 Expert Belts
3 Switches
3 Bebe's Search
2 Rare Candy
12 Physic Energy
2 Rescue Energy
Darkrai G is used just like a Crobat G, but to add 1 damage counter in-between turns IF they are asleep. Slowking for distruption.