So here is my first thought for a list with the newly revealed Nihilego-GX, by pairing it with Lunala-GX:
Pokemon - 14
4 Nihilego-GX
3 Cosmog
1 Cosmoem
3 Lunala-GX
2 Tapu Lele
1 Seviper
Trainers - 34
4 Professor Sycamore
4 N
1 Rescue Stretcher
3 Rare Candy
3 Guzma
4 Ultra Ball
4 Altar of the Moone
3 Acerola
3 Choice Band
2 Field Blower
3 Max Elixir
Energy - 12
12 Psychic Energy
Strategy: The strategy here is just to use Nihilego to attack, abusing its ability for poison and confusion and its attack's ability to prevent retreat. Then when it is damaged, you can use Lunala-GX to move the energy, Acerola it up, and put it back down to reuse the ability as well as fully heal. Use the Altar of the Moone to retreat into one of the Nihilego, and off you go. Seviper is there because it makes the math good. If you hit 150 with a choice band and the opponent is poisoned, they go to 170 and then 190 on the way back, which knocks out a lot of pokemon, like Volcanion EX, Turtoonator GX, Lapras-GX, Tapu Bulu GX, and any other pokemon with 180 or 190 HP. It also means that if they hit them self in confusion, you KO pokemon up to 220 HP. The GX attack can be used whenever the poison will KO the pokemon anyway, so you can just add 2 prize cards and then take 2 prize cards
The Max elixirs are for a little energy acceleration, and altars of the moone are for the free retreats on everyone in the deck. Max potion is a good card to run but I couldn't find space for it.
I hope you're lucky if you play this deck, because chances are you'll be relying on confusion flips a lot.
Garbodor + GX is rough because Garb hits for weakness.
Alolan Ninetails can be rough. Seviper can take the baby Ninetails out. May rely on some confusion flips here.
Volc is favorable if they expect to be able to bench the EX and just put a float stone on it, because retreat lock
Greninja could be challenging if they keep the ability lock. But confusion can end it and give you a turn
Turbo Darkrai is up to confusion flips most likely. Also whether or not they can one shot you. But resistance...
Gardevoir is not a good matchup since we need 3 energy to attack. But confusion...
Golisopod is favorable since locking retreats can mess up their damage output significantly.
Just looking for other thoughts, but feel free to suggest other deck ideas with Nihilego in it as well!
Pokemon - 14
4 Nihilego-GX
3 Cosmog
1 Cosmoem
3 Lunala-GX
2 Tapu Lele
1 Seviper
Trainers - 34
4 Professor Sycamore
4 N
1 Rescue Stretcher
3 Rare Candy
3 Guzma
4 Ultra Ball
4 Altar of the Moone
3 Acerola
3 Choice Band
2 Field Blower
3 Max Elixir
Energy - 12
12 Psychic Energy
Strategy: The strategy here is just to use Nihilego to attack, abusing its ability for poison and confusion and its attack's ability to prevent retreat. Then when it is damaged, you can use Lunala-GX to move the energy, Acerola it up, and put it back down to reuse the ability as well as fully heal. Use the Altar of the Moone to retreat into one of the Nihilego, and off you go. Seviper is there because it makes the math good. If you hit 150 with a choice band and the opponent is poisoned, they go to 170 and then 190 on the way back, which knocks out a lot of pokemon, like Volcanion EX, Turtoonator GX, Lapras-GX, Tapu Bulu GX, and any other pokemon with 180 or 190 HP. It also means that if they hit them self in confusion, you KO pokemon up to 220 HP. The GX attack can be used whenever the poison will KO the pokemon anyway, so you can just add 2 prize cards and then take 2 prize cards
The Max elixirs are for a little energy acceleration, and altars of the moone are for the free retreats on everyone in the deck. Max potion is a good card to run but I couldn't find space for it.
I hope you're lucky if you play this deck, because chances are you'll be relying on confusion flips a lot.
Garbodor + GX is rough because Garb hits for weakness.
Alolan Ninetails can be rough. Seviper can take the baby Ninetails out. May rely on some confusion flips here.
Volc is favorable if they expect to be able to bench the EX and just put a float stone on it, because retreat lock
Greninja could be challenging if they keep the ability lock. But confusion can end it and give you a turn
Turbo Darkrai is up to confusion flips most likely. Also whether or not they can one shot you. But resistance...
Gardevoir is not a good matchup since we need 3 energy to attack. But confusion...
Golisopod is favorable since locking retreats can mess up their damage output significantly.
Just looking for other thoughts, but feel free to suggest other deck ideas with Nihilego in it as well!