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Aspiring Trainer

  • 3 Bellsprout
    1 Weepinbell
    3 Victreebel (Rising Fist)
    4 Vulpix
    4 Ninetales (Dragons Exalted 19)
    1 Carnivine (Dark Explorers 5)
    2 Ho-oh EX (Dragons Exalted 22)

  • 2 Silver Bangle
    2 Startling Megaphone
    1 Switch
    2 Rare Candy
    1 Sacred Ash
    1 Hypnotoxic Laser
    4 Ultra Ball
    1 Evosoda
    1 Dowsing Machine
    1 Professor's Letter
    4 Energy Switch

    4 N
    3 Sycamore
    1 Colress
    3 Skyla

    3 Virbank City Gym

  • 4 Fire
    4 Grass


So the main strategy of this deck is to just utilize the combination of Ninetales' Hexed Flame attack with Victreebel's Wafting Scent. This allows me to hit 180 with a silver bangle and Virbank, and if the opponent flips tails on their attack then it is enough to ko any mega evolution as well. Ho-oh might sound like a weird addition to the deck but he has a good purpose- Victreebel eats through energy quickly and Ninetales can be expected to be ohkod regularly. This means that with energy switch, I can charge up both in the same turn if necessary. This is important to keep energy out of the discard as well. He also has the good benefit of ohkoing VirGen with a silver bangle and 2 different types of energy attached- since Ninetales can achieve a 2hko but virizion genesect will shut down wafting scent and is likely to beat the deck anyway.
Victreebel is capable of attacking in this deck. Despite its expensive attack it can still do 180 to a grass-weak EX in a pinch, which could be helpful considering the deck's water weakness.

I am afraid of the various Garbodor decks, so I am running 2 startling megaphone. This is because I am expecting Seismitoad/Garbodor to be kinda popular now I've heard about it and it could be quite scary vs the deck if it hasn't had time to start up- but with a couple of turns of being able to use items then the deck should be fine.
I'm also running a Carnivine (and a weepinbell) to help myself deal with Seismitoad/Garbodor decks. Carnivine can stop the quaking punch every turn by using lure poison to draw in another pokemon off the bench- whether thats a Garbodor who is equipping a muscle band rather than a float stone, or perhaps another pokemon which hasn't charged up yet. The ability to resist Seismitoad's attacks and quickly break the chain of quaking punches will be important for the matchup, because once Victreebels are set up they can ohko seismitoads with a silver bangle. Weepinbell is not the greatest solution but it hits seismitoad for 90, which is enough to 2hko. Seismitoad can only ohko with quaking punch in return with both muscle band and virbank in play. But weepinbell also gives me an itemless route to evolve into victreebel if necessary.

Apart from that, the deck is quite self explanatory.. 4 energy switch makes the most of the 4 energy I can bring back with Ho-oh. Virbank is necessary to achieve many KOs, so I'm running 3. Only running 8 energy because Ho-ohs are good for recycling energy into the deck. I don't need Lysandre because I have 4 built-in pokemon catchers. Most of the rest of the deck is quite thin just due to having to spread cards for various stuff. I could perhaps take out the hypnotoxic laser if I need to speed things up, but I figured it would be good in case I can't get a Victreebel up early.