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Standard Ninja Box 'Fighting'


Ninja master
Alright guys, here is the best i could come up with as a Ninja Box for standard. I tried multiple things and the problem as been and will always be the lack of prism energy in standard when i was trying to build a Ninja Box deck.

So this deck was made up around Solrock PRC as a way to reach for the precious Rainbow and DCC energy. Solrock was one of the first pokemon supports i have included in my custom decks back in the days when i started using Ninja Boy. The main problem with Solrock is the possible N ruining your energy hunt.

Here is the preliminary card list:

****** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck List ******

##Pokémon - 21

* 1 Oranguru SUM 113
* 2 Shaymin-EX ROS 77
* 1 Tauros-GX SUM 100
* 1 Comfey GRI 93
* 2 Machamp-EX AOR 90
* 2 Rockruff GRI 73
* 2 Lycanroc-GX GRI 138
* 2 Solrock PRC 83
* 1 Jolteon-EX GEN 28
* 1 Magearna-EX STS 110
* 1 Giratina PR-XY XY184
* 2 Tapu Lele-GX GRI 60
* 2 Unown AOR 30
* 1 Glaceon-EX FAC 20

##Trainer Cards - 28

* 2 Rescue Stretcher GRI 130
* 1 Lillie SUM 147
* 1 Parallel City BKT 145
* 1 Professor Birch's Observations PRC 159
* 2 N FAC 105
* 2 Choice Band GRI 121
* 1 Karen PR-XY XY177
* 4 Ninja Boy STS 103
* 4 Ultra Ball FAC 113
* 2 Float Stone BKT 137
* 4 VS Seeker ROS 110
* 1 Field Blower GRI 163
* 1 Lysandre FLF 104
* 1 Sky Field ROS 89
* 1 Energy Loto GRI 122

##Energy - 11

* 4 Rainbow Energy SUM 137
* 3 Strong Energy FAC 115
* 4 Double Colorless Energy SUM 136

Total Cards - 60

****** Deck List Generated by the Pokémon TCG Online www.pokemon.com/TCGO ******


- Magearna-Ex with Rainbow energy protects against attack effects; Drampa Gx "Righteous Edge", Espeon Gx "Psybeam" and "Divide Gx", Lapras Gx "Ice Beam Gx".

- Comfey with Rainbow energy is helpful against special conditions. It is often used in conjunction with Machamp to enable the use of "Steaming Mad" without being affected by the confusion effect. It is also commonly benched with Ninja Boy in order to remove a special condition already affecting your active pokemon.

- Unown is used to control the bench space and avoid the loss by being Lysandre for 2 easy price cards in the end. You have the opportunity to free bench space by using Ninja Boy into Unown. Using Sky field you can bench all the pokemons you want. Then you can use Parallel City to shrink down to 3 benched pokemon. Finally, then you can drop it as low as 1 benched pokemon on the bench with 2 Unown. This removes one of the most common loss you will see in tournaments.

-Glaceon and Jolteon are used to stall. This is a common way to win against lots of decks.

As a final note, i was considering adding Marshadow Gx and maybe Shining Mew with the upcomming release of "Burning Shadows". I would definitely be adding Regirock promo with the Omega trait if i had that card.
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This list is way too inconsistent. Your only draw supporters are Lillie and Birch (lmao, Birch, really?). I understand that the goal is to make Ninja Boy plays, but what do you do the turn after you Ninja Boy'd? Nothing, because you don't have any viable/consistent draw supporters in your list.
This list is way too inconsistent. Your only draw supporters are Lillie and Birch (lmao, Birch, really?). I understand that the goal is to make Ninja Boy plays, but what do you do the turn after you Ninja Boy'd? Nothing, because you don't have any viable/consistent draw supporters in your list.

I get what you are saying, I edited in order to add 2 copies of N. Removed Brooklet as it was not really wanted and also removed a Strong Energy. Professor Birch is only there because he is Full art. I would definitely place another supporter but whatever.

You know, Ninja Boy is used in this deck as a draw supporter and people underestimate what he can achieve. He will recycle Shaymin so you can use more than twice. Ninja Boy will remove unwanted pokemons on the bench with Unown so this is more cards you are drawing even tho it is one at a time. Ninja Boy a benched pokemon into Oranguru is another way he can act as a draw supporter.

The way to draw with this deck must be through the use of something else than supporters. Rescue Stretcher is another card you will often use to draw by recycling Unown and Shaymin. I would definetly consider octillery if i had it.