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Expanded Ninja Boy- Rainbow/Prism/Plasma Combo


Ninja master
Hi everyone,

This is my first post on Pokébeach. Sorry for my English, French is my mother language being from eastern Canada. I started playing pokémon last year because my boy got interested in pokémon card collecting. So here I am presenting a deck I have made up this past year. I won my first online tournament last weak with it. I have been collecting tournament tickets mostly yet (400-450) and now it seems like my deck is very close from being ready for me to burn those tickets. I have been toying with ideas and here is where I am standing with the deck:

Pokémon (14)

The basic idea: Hit for weakness using ninja amateur. This deck carries every weakness except for dragon. With proper setup, I would say that this deck can OHKO at least 80% of the current Pokémons on your second turn. It can also OHKO at least 40% of all pokémons on the first turn (if you are second to play). In order to do so, you need to have a Plasma Pokémon to start with. Then attach 2 Plasma Energy using Colress Machine and one Prism or Rainbow from you hand to your active Plasma pokémon. Finally, find a Ninja Boy with your Shaymins and use it to change your active into your opponents weakness.

-1xTauros-Gx : Great for OHKO with GX ability
-1xMachomp-Ex: Great for OHKO with a (F) (C) cost
-1xJolteon-Ex: Stalling, free retreat cost and immune to Basic
-1xGlaceon-Ex: Stalling and immune to Evolved
-1xDiancie-Ex: Great resilience especially against Darkness
-1xMagearna-Ex: For the ability and the fairy counter
-1xYveltal-Ex: Energy builder, OHKO and resistant to Fighting
-1xMew-Ex: Free agent and handy in some situations
-1xRegirock Ancient trait: Energy builder immune to Item and Trainer effects. It deserves a special mention. Perfect versus decks who carry much energy removal (ex: Sableye). It is also used to recycle the Shaymins on the bench via Ninja Boy. This way even if you are running only 2 Shaymins, you could possibly play up to 3 in a same round with the use of a Ninja Boy.

Those Plasma Pokemon's below are energy builders using Colress Machine and they allow for Fire and Grass pokémons to be inserted in the lineup.

-1xThundurus-Ex: Energy builder
-1xGenesect-Ex: Bench sniper, replaces Lysandre
-1xMoltres-Ex: Mostly there for weakness and the fact he can benefit from Colress

Trainer (30)

-3xNinja Boy
-1xProfessor Kukui
-3xVS Seeker
-3xUltra Ball
-3xTrainer's Mail
-3xColress Machine
-1xBattle Compressor
-1xEscape Rope
-1xScramble Switch
-1xSuper Rod
-1xSpecial Charge
-1xParallel City
-1xFairie Garden
-1xSilent Lab
-1xFloat Stone
-1xFighting Fury Belt
-1xMuscle Band

Energy (16)

-4xDC Energy
-4xPrism Energy
-4xRainbow Energy
-4xPlasma Energy

General Strategy

-Start ideally with Thundurus or else Jolteon, Diancie or Moltres as active
-Have a Genesect, Moltres or Magearna on the bench
-Attach Plasma Energy with Colress Machine
-With Thundurus active, discard special energy with Ultra ball to accelerate energy
-Stack energy on your active pokémon and on your Plasma pokémon via Colress Machine
-Use Ninja Boy and hit for weakness when the energy is ready

This deck can beat most matchups some easier than others. It carries the upper most versatility via Rainbow/Prism Energy and Ninja Boy. It is incredibly entertaining to play this deck and it also has a high learning curve. One can adapt and include Ex Maniac, Karen or Pokémon Ranger if needed of course.

Now my question is: What do you think of the deck and what adjustments would you be making?
Here are some matchup analysis:

- Trevenant Break deck: Yveltal-Ex obviously is the counter to Trevenant Break. Regirock is sometimes useful in order to prevent energy removal since Trevenant decks usually like using hammers. Glaceon can help mitigate damage and take care of Trevenant since once Crystal Ray is going, Glaceon-Ex can only be affected by Silent fear. Diancie-Ex is also a great pokémon to use in this matchut since it can OHKO Trevenant XY and can't suffer more than 30dmg per hit. If your opponent does not have N's, you can also win this matchup by rotating 2 Shaymins in and out with Sky Return. I would say this matchup favors Ninja Boy.

-Greninja Break deck: Against this deck, you ideally want to use Genesect-Ex as your main attacker for the weakness. Glaceon helps a lot also against this matchup and benefits from Rough Seas if your opponent plays this stadium making it even harder to deal with. I would say this matchup favors Ninja Boy also.

-NightMarch deck: Against the Nightmarch deck, you absolutely need Jolteon-Ex out quickly. If they run some Vespiquen Hybrid, it becomes very hard to deal with. Pokemon Ranger is also a problem. So the matchup outcome is mainly determined by your opponents deck composition. Using Karen raises the odds of winning much Higher.

-Vespiquen: Same as NightMarch. Glaceon is the counter to this deck but the hybrids version running basic attackers can be very hard to deal with. Using Karen again raises the odds.

-Mega-Ray: This is not an easy matchup. Winning the stadium war is a must. If Mega Rayquaza-Ex cannot OHKO you, you always have the option to Ninja Boy into Tauros-Gx or Machomp-Ex for the OHKO. Using Jolteon-Ex with a Muscle Band can also OHKO a Rayquaza-Ex before it evolves. Stalling with Jolteon and Glaceon his hard to rely on since they can just keep a Rayquaza-Ex and a Mega Rayquaza-Ex ready for the swap. Regirock can sometimes help win the stadium war by bringing back your stadiums from the discard pile. This matchup favors Mega-Ray.

-Rainbow Road: For this matchup, stadiums are important and Jolteon is a reliable Pokémon since Rainbow Road mainly rely's upon basic Pokémon. Usually favors Ninja Boy unless Rainbow Road as some sort of gimmick to take care of Jolteon.

-Solgaleo-Gx: Unless you quickly end the Solgaleo threat, once this guys out it gets ugly. Since Solgaleo-Gx can OHKO anyone, you cannot rely on Tauros-Gx or Machomp-Gx to deal with this guy and this is a big deal. Moltres-Ex is obviously the counter but it is harder to get online. To pull the OHKO, you need the Muscle Band or Fighting Fury Belt on top of the plasma energy and the (F) (F) (C) (C) requirement. Solgaleo decks also often include a copy of Aegislash. To get rid of this guy you will need the Silent Lab stadium. All these requirements makes it so that this matchup favors Solgaleo-Gx .

-Grass GX variants: Beating the Lunala-Gx or Decidueye-Gx is not too big of an issue. Usually those decks rely upon evolved Pokémon much and this makes Glaceon a very good Pokémon to use. Also, since their attack cannot OHKO you, it makes it easy to Ninja Boy and get Tauros-Gx or Machomp-Ex to turn a lost battle into a win. Moltres is a good Pokémon obviously since he hits for weakness but as always, a bit clunky to get online. Slightly favors Ninja Boy.

-Mega Gardevoir-Ex: Magearna spells doom to Mega Gardevoir-Ex. Tauros-Gx and Machomp-Ex are also very useful. Usually favors Ninja-Boy.

-Mega MewTwo-Ex: Mew-Ex is the main counter here. Be aware that you cannot rely on copying Psychic infinity to OHKO a MewTwo-Ex since the attack is not affected by weakness. Putting Magearna or Diancie on the bench to allow Mew-Ex to copy one of their attacks is usually the way to do it. Favors Ninja Boy.

- Water decks: Usually, most water decks rely on basic pokémons making Jolteon a very good water deck counter. Magearna and Genesect are also good for weakness and Tauros-Gx and Machomp-Ex also work well.

- Darkness decks: Regirock is usually an important pokemon here since most dark decks carry hammers. Jolteon is good against Yveltal and Diancie with it's 50 damage resistance (30 from ability and 20 from darkness resistance) makes it a perfect Tank against dark pokémons. I guess that the new Darkrai-Gx can pose a bit more problem since the Dark Rift attack is not affected by resistance. Tauros-Gx and Machomp-Ex also work great here. Overall seems to favor Ninja Boy.

-Fighting decks: Usually, fighting decks are an issue when your opponent has a combination of evolved and basic pokémons. Garchomp and Medicham is annoying to deal with when associated with some basic fighting Ex pokémons. The new Lycanroc-Gx can also pose some serious treats. Genesect as a (G) (G) (C) requirement which makes it harder to get online quickly compared to a (?) (C) (C) attack. Favors Fightning decks when they combine evolved and basic pokémons.

-Electric decks: The Jolteon/Raichu deck is very hard to deal with and is pretty much a auto loss. On the other hand, Mega decks are not too much of a problem since you can find a way to find OHKO with the help of Tauros-Gx, Yveltal-Ex and Machomp-Ex.

-Fire decks: Any fire evolution deck falls hard against Glaceon-Ex except for Pyroar XY which auto-wins unless you insert a Hex Maniac in your deck. Volcanion decks can be an issue if they have Pokémon Ranger and can find OHKO. Silent Lab is a good counter to prevent this deck from snowballing out of control.
A bit sad... not even a troll comming in to comment on my deck. I had higher hopes. I know that everyone is like meh, first time i ever hear of this deck it must be crap. But i am pretty sold on this decks potential. I would definetly be in for a fight if anyones in.
Been tweaking a bit the deck to counter the current meta of solgaleo Gx and Decidueye Gx. Those decks as well as the fighting type decks gave me a bit more problems and i had to adapt from the deck i presented before. I adapted with a 2-0-2 Delphox lane including 2 candies (taking one of each Delphox available). The extra drawing power from a Delphox comes handy against any type of deck is a good thing. The other one helps against those decks weak to fire (Solgaleo and Decidueye Lurantis Gx). Of course i dropped some pokemons i had before like Yveltal-Ex granted he is only very useful against Trevenant decks.

I might need to check but i have probably over 65% win rate over the course of 30 or so games being played. My main deck as been tweaked over and over so it has a lower but still above 55% win rate. The best pro about the deck is that it is very flexible and is very 1HoKo effective. Jolteon-Ex/Glaceon-Ex combo is probably one of the best assests too.

I think about trying to make one of those decks for Standard. The biggest thing to switch is those 4 Prism energies into Blend energies meaning you need to make some more adjustments and hope that the type you are using falls into the right way. I need blend energies and that will probably be my next go to items as well as the Dark Patch for the darkness version.
Hi guys,

Created this ninja deck good against the current meta. Got used to the Pokemon cut/paste deck technique and i was thinking some people might enjoy the deck as much as I do.

Apart from the Shaymins and the Jolteon it is not too expensive.

This deck allows you to go multiple ways and be very flexible and react to all sorts of decks.


- I included *1 Sky Field ROS 89 as well as * 1 Xerneas BKT 107. The fact that this deck either goes into a small or large deck count makes it interesting. It makes a good part of the strategy as you can clear or stack pokemon depending on who your opponent is.

****** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck List ******

##Pokémon - 18

* 1 Dragonite-EX EVO 72
* 2 Shaymin-EX ROS 77
* 1 Tauros-GX SUM 100
* 1 Diancie-EX FAC 72
* 1 Xerneas BKT 107
* 1 Flareon-EX GEN 106
* 1 Celebi PR-XY XY93
* 1 Leafeon-EX GEN 10
* 1 Electrike PRC 60
* 1 Jolteon-EX GEN 28
* 1 Magearna-EX STS 110
* 1 Hoopa-EX AOR 36
* 1 Mew FAC 29
* 1 Mew-EX LTR 139
* 1 Wobbuffet GEN 111
* 1 Glaceon-EX FAC 20
* 1 Keldeo-EX LTR 45

##Trainer Cards - 30

* 1 Professor Sycamore STS 114
* 3 Trainers' Mail ROS 92
* 1 Parallel City BKT 145
* 1 Misty's Determination EVO 108
* 1 Scramble Switch PLS 129
* 2 Fairy Garden FAC 100
* 1 Colress PLS 135
* 4 Ninja Boy STS 103
* 2 Battle Compressor Team Flare Gear PHF 92
* 1 Special Charge STS 105
* 1 Fighting Fury Belt BKP 99
* 4 VS Seeker ROS 110
* 4 Ultra Ball SUM 135
* 1 Float Stone BKT 137
* 1 Lysandre FLF 104
* 1 Sky Field ROS 89
* 1 Muscle Band XY 121

##Energy - 12

* 4 Double Colorless Energy FAC 114
* 4 Prism Energy NXD 93
* 4 Rainbow Energy BKT 152

Total Cards - 60

****** Deck List Generated by the Pokémon TCG Online www.pokemon.com/TCGO ******
I am right now 66wins out of 97 games with this deck with minor tweaks here and there to adapt.

Wondering if you guys know what the tier 1,2,3 current decks win rate on average.

What is the win average for a turbo Darkrai deck, a Decidueye deck and Volcanion deck? I got a Volcanion deck but it lacks some cards and i average around 50-55%
On a side note since i see less Gardevoir decks and Fairy type decks i tend to trade Magearna-Ex for the new Comfey released from GR.