• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.

Ninja-Turtle Time!


Aspiring Trainer
Pokémon (20)
  • 2x Froakie (XY Starter Deck 12/39)
  • 2x Frodgadier (XY Starter Deck 13/39)
  • 2x Greninja (XY Starter Deck 14/39)
  • 2x Squirtle (Plasma Blast 14/101)
  • 2x Wartortle (Plasma Blast 15/101)
  • 1x Blastoise (Plasma Blast 16/101)
  • 2x Pawniard (XY Starter Deck 19/39)
  • 2x Bisharp (XY Starter Deck 20/39)
  • 2x Lapras (Plasma Blast 17/101)
  • 1x Dunsparce (Mysterious Treasures 47/123)
  • 1x Dialga (Platinum 5/127)
  • 1x Dialga Lv.X(Promo DP37)

Trainers (17)
  • 4x Poké Ball (XY Starter Deck 35/39)
  • 2x Switch (XY Starter Deck 38/39)
  • 2x Energy Search (Boundaries Crossed 128/149)
  • 1x Energy Retrieval (Plasma Blast 80/101)
  • 1x Ultra Ball (Dark Explorers 102/108)
  • 1x Pokémon Catcher (Plasma Blast 83/101)
  • 2x Cheren (Dark Explorers 91/108)
  • 2x Tierno (XY Starter Deck 39/39)
  • 1x Professor Juniper (Plasma Blast 84/101)
  • 1x Broken Time-Space (Platinum 104/127)

Energy (23)
  • 16x Water
  • 7x Steel

Here are the main points of my strategy:
1) Get as much Water Energy onto Blastoise and Greninja as possible.
2) Stall with Dialga Lv.X so that I can set up Blastoise and Greninja (although with Broken Time-Space that could take only two turns) .
3) Heal benched Pokémon with Lapras.
4) Draw cards for free with Dunsparce, then swap out for free.

Let me know what you think, and what I should/should not change!

Edited to coincide with the rules! :D ~Kecleon
You're going to need some of the current staples. I suggest 4 Juniper, N, and Ultra Ball. Or if this is truly unlimited, also look into Professor Oak's New Theory and Pokemon Collector. There's a Genesect theme deck or something that has a lot of the new stuff that you'll need.