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Ninja Vanish (Greninja EX / Keldeo EX / Greninja)


Aspiring Trainer
This is my first deck list on the Beach, enjoy everyone and all comments are welcome!

Pokemon: 15

  • 3 Greninja EX (XY)
    2 Keldeo EX (LTR)
    3/2/3 Greninja (XY)
    2 Lapras (XY)
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 34

  • 3 Professor Juniper
    2 Shauna
    2 Colress
    2 Cassius
    3 Super Scoop Up (FF)
    2 Switch
    2 Float Stone
    2 Muscle Band
    2 Silver Bangle
    1 Pokemon Fan Club
    4 Ultra Ball
    3 Rare Candy
    1 Pal Pad
    2 Professor's Letter
    2 Energy Retrieval
    1 Superior Energy Retrieval

  • 11 Water Energy

My strategy is to attack with Greninja-ex/muscle band for 50 (woohoo!) and water shuriken from the bench for another 60/90. This will enable me to 2hko everything. When Greninja-ex takes damage I can rush in with Keldeo-ex/float stone and attack for 110 and KO or 110 and shuriken a KO. Cassius is there to return my beat-up Greninja-EX's back to my deck to avoid a KO. Super scoop up is there to return Keldeo-ex and all cards attached to my hand, mainly for energy management and to avoid a KO. Float Stones are there to move Keldeo-ex back to the bench, and Switch is there to help in an emergency (I'm thinking mainly to escape a Lysander). Lapras is at the party for additional energy manipulation and can also be a surprise third attacker with a silver bangle. So attack with Greninja-ex/Keldeo-ex + muscle band + shuriken. Ninja Vanish (I had to :) ) with Cassius/Super scoop up/float stone/switch.

Any and all comments and suggestions are welcome! This is mainly for fun and to see what kind of shenanigans can be caused with all the disappearing pokemon. In theory, the mediocre damage output could be enough if I can avoid being knocked out myself.

Thank you in advance for everyone's advice and comments!

Edited to coincide with the rules! :D ~Kecleon
RE: Ninja Vanish (Greninja-ex/Keldeo-ex/Greninja)

Interesting idea with the cassius and super scoop up. I would drop 1 super scopp up though and add a Dowzing Machine. I would also drop a switch for a startaling megaphone because you have keldeo ex to switch, and your decks damage output is based around greninjas ability. I would also add in a lysandre but i dont know what card you would be able to take out for that.
RE: Ninja Vanish (Greninja-ex/Keldeo-ex/Greninja)

Thanks those are good ideas! I'll definitely give those changes a try. I think adding in a startling megaphone is a good idea, stripping an enemy tool could save me! So with Ironman's advice it would be:

-1 Super scoop up
+1 Dowsing machine
-1 Switch
+1 Startling megaphone

I think I could try replacing one ultra ball with a Lysandre. The 4 ultra ball might be a bit much anyway, I'll have to see how often I play all 4, but 3 ultra ball and 1 Lysandre could work! What do you think?
RE: Ninja Vanish (Greninja-ex/Keldeo-ex/Greninja)

Yeah i like that and think it could work well for you
RE: Ninja Vanish (Greninja-ex/Keldeo-ex/Greninja)

maybe take out the lapras for N and the silver bangles for a suicune and another n or muscleband as well
Thanks for the advice everyone! I will try taking out 1 Lapras and the 2 silver bangles for 2 N and another energy retrieval. Once I play test all the changes I'll update the list!