This deck is quite a good one. I have done no testing, I just looked through the card scans and found a Feraligatr and it's second attack was excellent. 80 and then 80 more if there are damage counters on the pokemon, it does 80 more. Which adds up to 160. Greninja plays a big part as it can do damage without attacking, and it deals 30 without even attacking. Hit for 160 with Feraligatr, then you hit for 190. Miltank just speeds this deck up and lets you hit for 80.
3 Miltank
2 Froakie
1 Frogadier
2 Greninja
3 Totodile
1 Crocanaw
3 Feraligatr
1 Exeggute
1 Voltorb
1 Electrode
4 Skyla
3 Sycamore
3 N
2 Colress
2 Lysandre
1 Pokemon Fan Clunb
4 Rare Candy
4 Ultra Ball
3 Superior Energy Retrieval
2 Professor's Letter
1 Startling Megaphone
1 Computer Search
8 Water Energy
This deck is quite a good one. I have done no testing, I just looked through the card scans and found a Feraligatr and it's second attack was excellent. 80 and then 80 more if there are damage counters on the pokemon, it does 80 more. Which adds up to 160. Greninja plays a big part as it can do damage without attacking, and it deals 30 without even attacking. Hit for 160 with Feraligatr, then you hit for 190. Miltank just speeds this deck up and lets you hit for 80.