... NO KADABR2nd DP set, Abra, Alakazam??

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Mighty Midgit

Aspiring Trainer
Ok, i was looking at the card list and I saw an abra and an Alakazam. Where is the Kadabra?

I head that there was no Kadabras after the skyridge card reader set but why?

There are no kadabra cards in the tournament legal sets. Does this mean that you can't use the abra, kadabra, and alakazam family any more?

I am terrible confused on this. Can someone shed some light on the matter?
There have been TWO threads on this. There was this really person magician called Uri Gellar who sued Nintendo for using Kadabra. You see, Uri Gellar said he could bend spoons like Kadabra could, so they were like copying him. He sued and said that Nintendo could NOT use them in the card game but CAN use him in the game.
He claimed it was a copy of his image (dark kadabra in japenese was similar in name to his name or something like that)...although that doesn't explain why there was 2-4 (not sure) more kadabras printed after that incident...
I found the new Kadabra card! LOOK:


You can thank me later.
Information here.

No more "Where is Kadabra?" threads anymore please. I don't know how many times i've told the Uri Gellar story, then there's everyone else...

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